Page 116 of The Host

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He loved her.

He knew she loved him as well… but she was right… in they needed to build a firm foundation.

He was right where he needed to be to build his solid foundation. He just hoped it was good enough for Evie.

No, that wasn’t the mindset he needed. If it wasn’t good enough for Evie it would break his heart… but Matt felt the love of his God and His forgiveness and knew what he was doing was enough. The emotion was still very tender in his heart and he offered his gratitude of thanksgiving for knowing his Heavenly Father loved him, that He forgave him, and that Christ offered himself as a sacrifice for him.

Truly a miracle.

So, if Evie decided on a path apart from Matt, he knew he’d be okay.

Eventually… for his heart.

As the conference ended, Matt decided it was time to let his Aunt Molly and Uncle Dave know he had moved back into the area… although he was sure the rumor had already reached their ears.

Small towns and neighboring towns.

Matt saw his Aunt Molly standing with a cluster of other women who were anxiously engaged in a spirited conversation when he heard a deep gasp. Matt’s eyes turned toward the sound of the gasp as he spotted a group of teenage girls… who were not from his ward… tugging each other’s arms, pointing at him, and fidgeting with their phones trying to get their cameras pointed in his direction.

Matt sighed.

He decided that a more intimate meeting with his aunt and uncle would be better suited.

He turned to face the group of young women and said, “We’re at church, ladies. Please use your discretion.”

He quickly turned around and exited the first door he saw. He found his truck and headed home.

It took him another hour to convince himself to get back into his truck and make the short drive to his aunt’s house.

“You enter houses that are on fire and you’re nervous about this?” Matt chided himself. “Get a grip, man.”

The moment Matt parked his truck in front of his aunt’s house he knew he had done the right thing. Aunt Molly bolted out of her house and by the time he got out of his truck, he found himself hugging a sobbing aunt.

Molly kept blurting out words and love and insults until her sobbing subsided. She stepped back, wiped her eyes on her apron, and then looked up at Matt.

“You jerk!” she cried as she grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks. “I’m so happy you are here. I love you, you idiot!”

Matt reached for his aunt and hugged her again. “I love you too, Aunt Molly.”

“I’m so glad you’re home. I heard rumors, but I couldn’t believe them because I kept saying to myself… he’d come by if he was living so close.”

“Forgive me,” Matt pleaded.

“No need. All I need is you in my life! You’ll not run away again… I hope.”

“Nope. I might move, but I’m done running away.”

“Emma seemed to think so as well, but I need to hear the entire story from your mouth.”

“You talked to my parents?” Matt asked.

“We still had Sunday dinners every week at your parent's house until they left two weeks ago. Now I’m having to provide dinner,” Molly sighed with an exaggerated sigh.


Matt turned to look at the teenage boy who had spoken at stake conference. “Davy?”

“Dave!” he corrected.
