Page 56 of The Host

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“During your one-on-one?” Callie inquired.

“No, afterward. My lawyer was here and after yelling at him, Matt was nearby so I yelled at him too!”

“You didn’t!” Callie gasped.

“I did,” Evie insisted.

“And he still gave you an invitation. Poor guy,” Callie mused.

“Maybe he’s just keeping the crazy one on to make it easier toward the end. So, where’s Baylor?”

“She is on a breakfast date with Matt.”

“Nice! How was your lunch date yesterday?”

“We had a one-on-one as well yesterday, and I thought it went really well.”

“Was the beach fun?”

“It was amazing. What are your plans today?”

“I guess it all depends on Mr. Matt, but I want to lose myself in the library.”

Evie and Callie watched as Carmela, Neveah, and Emanee returned from their breakfast date, along with Carl. Baylor was not with them, so Callie and Evie elbowed each other and smirked with delight. She must have received the one-on-one breakfast date.

“Ladies, here are your invitations for lunch. Maeve, Anya, Devanee, and Tatiana.”

The four women leaped with joy and went to receive their invitations.

“Looks like I’m heading to the library,” Evie said with delight.

“I’ll not be joining you, so I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Sounds good,” Evie said as she stood up, gathered her plate, and placed it in the sink. She walked to the library, stood at one end of the library, and walked slowly around as she took in the titles of the books. She did not have the same appreciation for older books as her sister Shayla, but she did love to read a good romance.

Stopping in front of a book she remembered her second-grade teacher had read to the class, she remembered some of the plot but only vaguely remembered what happened. She reached up and grabbed the book titled Holes and looked around until she found an oversized chair that was warm and inviting. She draped a blanket over her and settled in for a good read.

As lunch drew near, her bladder grew fuller, so she begrudgingly laid the book on a side table and got up. She stretched her legs and went downstairs to use her bathroom.

Neveah and Devanee were in the room getting ready for lunch.

“Hi, Neveah. Hi, Devanee. Getting ready for your lunch date?” Evie asked.

“Don’t talk to us as if you truly care. We know you don’t,” Neveah smirked.

“We will have each had two meal dates with Matt, and I highly doubt he’ll ask you for dinner since you went yesterday,” Devanee smirked.

“Why you’re still here, I can’t fathom. He must have pity on the lost puppies,” Neveah added.

Evie pinched her lips and shook her head. She actually felt sorry for the two. They needed to put others down in order to make themselves feel better. The opposite couldn’t be truer. The more you honestly desire to lift others up, the better you feel.

“I truly hope you enjoy your lunch date today, Devanee,” Evie said as she grabbed her tennis shoes and left the room.

After lunch, Carl appeared again with four dinner invitations. Verlia, Kristie, Aaliyah, and Dorothy were invited to have dinner with Matt on the tennis court. Evie sighed with relief. She was determined to go on a run, take a shower, read a little more, and then get ready for dinner.

Evie asked around to see where she could go for her run. She was told a female staff member would go running with her and follow her. A cameraman in a golf cart would follow behind.

After her run, she soaked her feet in the pool and then went to take a shower. She returned to the library, retrieved her book, and sank into her ultra-comfy chair. She began reading again… with a camera on her all the while.
