Page 58 of The Host

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Matt made it back to his trailer and finished his invitations. He sat back and tried not to think of anything, but a certain long-haired beauty prevented him from doing so.

Matt heard Michele’s signature knock and called out for her to enter.

“Long day, mi amigo?”

Matt laughed at Michele in her attempt to sound Spanish with her Scottish accent. “Yes, it has been.”

“I’m afraid to tell you it’ll probably only get longer every day until you’re done.”

“I’m guessing you are right.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“Where to start?

“Start with what happened last night? Why did you make your sweet green-eyed girl wait until the end… again?”

“Oh, Michele,” Matt moaned. “I have a past!”

“Don’t we all?” she agreed.

“I’m afraid my past won’t be good enough, once she finds out.”

“Are you afraid you will return to the past you don’t like about yourself?”

“I was still living that past until I met her, so I can’t even say X number of years have passed to add to my list of positive accomplishments.”

“And she won’t accept you as who you are now?”

“I don’t accept me for who I am now. I’ve been a cad, a user, wallowing in self-pity and refusing to move forward with my life.”

“Going back to user, what does that mean?”

“Not drugs, Michele!” Matt laughed. “Although, I did experiment a time or two… however, I never did enjoy the aftermath. I’m a user of women. There. I said it.”

“And you’re afraid that once she finds out about your lifestyle, she won’t accept you.”

“Would you?” Matt asked.

“Despite your breath-taking face… probably not… but after this show is over, do you feel like you’ll continue your previous lifestyle?”

Matt thought for a moment and then replied, “No. Not after finding someone who I truly want to be with for the rest of my life. It’s probable that she might not accept me, but now that I know there is someone out there that my heart desires to love, cherish, and protect… there must be others as well… right?”

“I’ve never been one to believe in only one true love, but I do believe in loving only the one you’re with. Once you make that commitment, stay committed.”

“That is wise counsel. I bet your husband adores you.”

“I am not married, my young lad,” Michele winked.

“What? Really? Why not?”

“Because I too have made mistakes in my past.”

“Does it weigh you down as it is doing to me right now?”

“I used to let it, but then I realized that I am enveloped in my history as well as my future.”

Matt shook his head. “What the hell does that mean?”
