Page 61 of The Host

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So, who to send home. The looks of hope on their faces made him wince. Why would anyone want to hope to fall in love in this manner? Then he remembered their occupations. Neveah was an Instagram Influencer. She would benefit the most by staying. Anya was a coder. She wouldn’t lose much if she were to go home, but Anya was warmer than Neveah. Neveah, although seemingly perfect, had a coolness about her that didn’t settle well with him.

“Anya,” Matt spouted.

“Do you invite her to stay or to go home?” Carl clarified.

“Anya,” Matt said again, “You are a lovely woman and I’m glad we got to know each other, but I’m inviting Neveah to stay.”

The cool collected Neveah broke her stillness and uttered a sigh of relief. She took the invitation from Matt’s hands, kissed him on the lips and went to stand with the other women.

Anya stood there trying to keep from crying.

Matt’s compassion reeled itself and gathered Anya in his arms. “You truly are lovely and I know there is someone right for you out there. Good luck,” he whispered.

Anya gave one last squeeze and exited the mansion.

Once the door closed behind Anya, the mood in the room went from serious to playful.

“Let’s all jump in the pool!” Callie exclaimed.

“Not in this $1,000 dress,” Neveah declared.

“I’m for it!” Baylor agreed. “You in?” she asked Evie.

Evie grabbed Baylor’s outstretched hand and snagged Maeve’s hand on their way to the pool as they followed Callie. The four girls shrieked with delight as they jumped into the pool, completely clothed.

When they surfaced, mascara already running down their faces, they hugged each other and laughed.

“Cannon ball!” Matt hollered.

He caught a glimpse of the four in the pool turn to face him, right before he leaped up, grabbed his knees and proceeded to do a cannonball in the water. When he surfaced, the four squealed with delight and shortly after, Dorothy and Verlia joined in.

He reached down, took off his shoes and socks, and tossed them onto the deck. Then he grabbed a beach ball and those in the pool played with the beachball for a half hour.

Chapter 12

Neveah pleasantly stared at the group frolicking in the water… although the temper raging inside her was nothing but pleasant.

She was the last one to receive an invitation.

The very last!

That was something that hadneverhappened to her before in her life. She was always picked first. She knew for appearances sake, she couldn’t always be first during the show, but to be dead last?

That was an insult.

And then to add to that insult… they were all playing around in the pool… having fun!

Every outfit she had was donated by high-end designers and she had an obligation to return every outfit.

And this dress was her favorite!

It accentuated her hips, her eyes, and showed off her incredibly toned legs.

“How dare that little twit, wearing a stupid, outdated, dress pantsuit… twice no less… get picked first,” she mumbled to herself.

Something had to be done.

She cringed at the first thought that came to her, but she shook it off.
