Page 63 of The Host

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As she ran out of the bathroom, the staff member who usually clipped on her microphone came rushing in. Evie ignored her and ran to her bedside.

Another gasp of terror escaped her throat as she stared at a blob of long hair laying still on the floor next to her bed.

“No!” came another cry as she fell to her knees in despair.

“How?” she asked aloud.

“How?” she exclaimed.

Evie picked up what used to be attached to her head and let the silky strands fall between her fingers.

Evie vaguely heard talking behind her, but her mind was numb. How did this happen? She knew she was a sound sleeper, but holy cow… she slept through someone cutting her hair off?

“Miss Call.”

Evie heard her name but couldn’t respond.

“Evie,” came the voice again, but this time someone touched her shoulder.

Evie turned around and saw Sam, the production manager kneeling behind her.

“Who did this?”

Evie shook her head as tears began to fall. “I don’t know,” she choked as she still lovingly fondled her hair.

“I want to see the hallway recording starting from 11:00 last night until the moment I walked in this morning,” Sam demanded. “Are you going to be all right? What can I do for you?”

“I don’t know?” Evie uttered, tears still rolling down her face.

“We’re going to find out who did this,” Sam continued. “No one is to come in or out of this room until we figure out what happened.” Sam stood up and hollered, “Someone, go and get Michele!”

“Who’s Michele?” Evie asked.

“She’s our onset hairstylist. She can do something with your hair,” Sam explained. Then he pulled out a phone, tapped various times on the screen, and put the phone to his ear. “Go tell Matt that his one-on-one with Evie will have to be later this evening.” Sam paused as he listened to the person on the other side of the phone. “I don’t care who it was, just switch whoever is last tonight with Evie’s slot.”

Evie started shaking her head. “I’m not doing any more of this. My hair just got cut off. I want to go home!”

“I understand you are distraught. I know hair for females is very important, but I don’t need to remind you, you are still under contract.”

“Even if someone cuts off my hair?” Evie blurted.

“I’m so sorry!” Sam offered.

“What’s going on?”

Evie looked behind Sam and saw a stylish older woman standing behind Sam.

“What in heaven’s green earth? What happened to your hair, lassie?”

Evie began to cry in earnest. She tried to hold back her earlier tears, but this time she could no longer refrain from sobbing.

“Out of my way,” cried Michele.

Evie felt Michele fall to her knees and pulled her into an embrace as she slowly rocked her back and forth.

“Here, here, my child. You’re going to be just fine,” Michele reassured. She turned to talk to Sam. “You had better find out who did this to this sweet sea-green-eyed lassie.”

“I’m on it, but what can be done with her hair?” Sam asked.
