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“I think you’re not readingenoughinto it.”

“You know, if you want out of our arrangement, you can tell me,” I tease.

She takes my plate out of my hand and sets both of ours on my nightstand before she straddles me, her hands on either side of my head pressed into the headboard. “Troy, I like our arrangement. You know if I wanted out, I’d tell you.”

My hands fall to her hips, but I don’t say anything.

“Tell me you don’t wish Lexy was here instead of me.” There’s no spite or jealousy in her voice, just a demand to know she’s right.

I know she won’t be offended no matter what answer I give her, so I might as well go with the truth. “Fine. I do wish that, but I have no fucking clue why. I hardly know her.”

“It’s called chemistry, Troy. That thing you and I don’t have.”

“Our relationship is fucking weird.” I laugh.

She shrugs again as she climbs off me.



Mackapproachesmybarnow that he’s finished setting up for his show. “Hey, how was the rest of your New Year’s Eve?” It’s been two days since our karaoke adventure.

I roll my eyes at him. “You totally ditched me.”

He laughs and reaches into the open bag of gummy bears I’ve been snacking on while I prep the bar. “You’re more than capable of fending for yourself. Plus, you had sex written all over your face. Kind of looked like more than that even.” He grins as he pinches the sleeve of his baseball shirt, tugging it up slightly.

I stare back at him. Damn. I thought I had my thoughts totally under wraps. What the hell is wrong with me? Usually my emotions are more in check.

“Chill, Lex. I doubt he noticed. I’m just skilled in reading the many faces of Lexy.”

I release a breath.

“Wow, he’s got your panties all in a twist. Who is this dude?”

“Gross. Don’t say panties, Mack. He’s no one, okay. Just a friend. Not even that. Let’s drop it. What did you end up doing? Have you talked to Maci again? I meant to text her last night.”

The color drains from his face. That can’t be good.

“What is it?”

“She’s with Dean.” Anger flashes in his eyes, but he takes a deep breath and they clear on his exhale.

“Like her ex Dean? How is that possible? She hasn’t seen him since… before you two got together?”

“Yeah, until yesterday. She literally ran into him on the beach. What are the fucking chances of that? Do you think she knew he’d be there or went looking for him?”

“No.” I answer immediately because I know Maci well enough to know she wouldn’t plan something like this. “The girl is just drawn to coincidence. She definitely didn’t cross his path on purpose.” So weird. This is even more trippy than when we ran into Troy. I pull myself back from thinking about him again when I see the devastation on my best friend’s face. “Mack, take a breath. It’s okay. She’s only going to be in Costa Rica for a few more days, and when she eventually comes home, she’s coming home toyou.”

“Yeah, I know.” He seemed to lose all his confidence in the weeks after he and Maci broke up. Since he’s been going to therapy, it’s a little better, but it comes in waves.

The doors to the bar open, and the line of people from outside starts to filter in. “Seriously, Mack. You’re such a catch. You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met. You’re smart. You’re talented. And you’re sexy as hell up on that stage, which is where you need to be right now. So go, get out of here.” I wave him off.

“Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Lex. Have a good shift.”

This dude is such a tool. For starters his name is Todd. Everyone named Todd is a douchebag. This particular Todd thinks he is hot shit and entitled to priority treatment, and yet he doesn’t even have the decency to tip me. Ever. When I realized that’s how it was going to be, I stopped giving a fuck. To get my attention, he likes to wad up straw wrappers and fling them at me. It doesn’t bother me enough to make security kick him out, and his friends always tip at least. Still, it’s obnoxious.

I turn slowly to look at him, making sure my annoyance is evident.
