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While I’d been waffling on the idea of moving to California for over a year, it wasn’t until my cousin got some fancy job where he’s gone most of the time on business that I actually committed. He’s letting me stay at his place for free as long as I water his plants and bring in the mail. I’ve still paid for the house I split with Cooper in Oregon the past few months to give him time to find someone even though he recently bought the house we rented in college.

Cooper:Maybe if Sophie would pull her head out of her ass.

Me:Still doesn’t believe you two are end game?

Cooper:Your guess is as good as mine. What’s up?

Me:I was thinking I’d come home for a few days next month. I need some smog free air and my bike.

Cooper:Your room is all yours. Let me know.

I check flights for the next twenty minutes. I haven’t requested a day off work since Nolan and I went to Vegas in October, and I’m due for a break. I swipe out of Google Flights when I hear the doorknob turn.

Her gray cut off jean shorts sit right at her hips, and a loose black sweater hangs off her left shoulder. A sliver of her stomach shows when she reaches her hand out, demanding her sunglasses, and it takes everything in me not to let my eyes linger.

I pick them up off the coffee table and hand them over. She slides the red frames casually into her blonde hair, full of loose curls. She’s wearing a little more makeup than she needs. I can say that with certainty now–based on that post workout glimpse I got of her earlier–but either way she looks cute as fuck.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

I’d rather stay here and do her.


“Thanks for bringing these.” I glance over at Troy as he starts his car, and I slide my sunglasses onto my face.

“Thank me by playing DJ?” He grins and hands over his phone. “Seems we have the same taste.”

I wasn’t a hundred percent sure he was into the music I queued up when he drove me home. All the songs came from an untitled playlist he had, but it very well could have been created by someone else. He didn’t stop me, so I picked my favorite tracks and went with it.

“Don’t think I didn’t see that playlist full of that new crap they call music these days.” I don’t even know how people listen to it.

He chuckles. “Don’t hold it against me. Someone in my fraternity made it.”

“I’ll let it slide this time.” I click shuffle on Good Charlotte’sYoung and the Hopelessalbum and set his phone in the center console.

“An oldie, but a goodie.” He licks his bottom lip and bites down on it like he’s trying to stop a grin. His fingers drum on the steering wheel as “Riot Girl” blasts out of the speakers. I wonder if he knows he does that.

“It’s my favorite.”

He reaches over and turns the volume down a bit. “Oh yeah? You must have only been like seven years old when this came out.”

I decide to throw him a bone so he can figure out how old I actually am. “Eight. It was my first CD.”

“You've listened to pop punk since you were eight?”

I shrug. “Yeah. It was an accident. One of my mom’s boyfriends was trying to make a ‘good impression’ on me.” I do air quotes for the full effect even though his eyes are on the road. “He brought it in from his car and gave it to me."

“I’d say he sounds like a loser, but you kind of won in that situation.”

“Exactly. Guess I got hooked, and there was no going back. What about you?”

“Similar, but less tragic story. I was only six when this album was released, but by the time I was like 12, my cousin was ready to hand over his entire CD collection.”

“Well, your cousin has good taste. He lives here right?”

“Yeah, I live with him. Sort of. He’s never there. I basically live alone.”

“Must be a huge change from living in a frat house.”
