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“Part of our deal is that we can call each other whenever, but if we meet anyone else we are interested in, we get an out with no complications.”

“You’re trying to tell me you found a girl you can screw whenever you want, who will also give you any freedom you want, and you won’t get attached to her?”

“That’s the part you picked up on?” His brows push together in confusion. “But yes, that’s the general idea.” I can tell he’s trying to read me.

“Damn. That’s a way better deal than the deal I have with my vibrator.” A smirk finds its way to my lips, but I hide it with a spoonful of ice cream. He wasn’t expecting that response, and his eyebrows shooting up in surprise is more satisfying than I would have thought.

“I would assume orgasms from actual people would be better,” he counters, equally as unphased by this conversation we are having in public.

“I wouldn’t really know.” I shrug.

This catches him more off guard than the vibrator comment, his spoonful of ice cream freezing mid-air as he stares in shock and confusion. It would be amusing if it wasn’t a semi-accepted annoyance of mine. “Wait, what do you mean? You’re telling me the guys you’ve been with don’t get you off?”

“Sometimes. Rarely. It’s fine. I’m better at it myself.” It’s true. I still think sex is fun, and it’s much less frustrating now that I’ve taught myself some tricks.

He doesn’t respond. He’s staring back at me like I told him I believe in aliens. I kind of assumed most girls don’t orgasm often, and it’s not like I have many girl friends to compare notes with. It doesn’t seem like he has anything to add, so I change the subject. “Sooooooo, you really think Lauren won’t fall for you?” I highly doubt that. Most girls can’t detach that way.

“Kind of sounds like you think I’m a catch.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. Most girls just get attached too easily.”

He hesitates as he contemplates his next words, finally eating his first bite of ice cream. “Well, I’m positive she won’t. I wouldn’t have made a deal with her like that if I wasn’t confident. I know this might sound fucked up–”

I cut him off. “It doesn’t. I think it’s rare that people are on the same page, or willing to talk about sex in the way they should. I actually think it says a lot about the kind of person you are that you want to be upfront about things with her.”

He looks shocked by my opinion. “It’s important to me.” It feels like there’s more to that comment, but I don’t ask, and he continues. “But this really isn’t about her.”

I stare back at him, not knowing where he’s going with this.

“I’m interested in you.”

“What kind of interested?” I ask slowly as if it’ll give me time to process.

“Can I ask you something?”

I nod, breaking his eye contact to get another bite of ice cream.

“Is it a deal breaker for you? That Maci and I hooked up?”

“A deal breaker for what exactly?” I assume he means sex.

He waits until I finish my bite and meet his gaze again. “Sex,” he confirms.

“I don’t mix sex and emotions, Troy. I couldn’t care less who you’ve been with. It’s just sex.”

He eyes me like he’s trying to see through the wall I like to hide behind, but then his face softens. “I didn’t hear ‘I have no desire to have sex with you’ anywhere in there.” He smirks, and his confidence is so sexy, I’d let him rip my clothes off right here.

I lean forward on my elbow, my opposite hand reaching out for another spoonful of ice cream. In the most nonchalant tone I can muster, I admit, “I’m down.”

He stops the pastry right before he bites into it, his eyes widening in surprise for a moment before he recovers. “I’m really fucking attracted to you, Lexy.”

Damn, if the way he says my name doesn’t make me want to hear it a hundred more times. Preferably, in his sex voice. But that’s all this can be, and I need to be clear about this. “This is only sex, just clarifying.”

He studies me, but doesn’t respond.


“We’ll see.”
