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I reach for my wallet. I noticed earlier this lady was running circles around this bar trying to take care of everyone. The last thing she needs is to make an extra trip back to our table. As I flip my wallet open, Lexy’s hand covers it. “I’ve got it. Thanks for giving me a ride home in advance.” She pulls out two twenties from the pocket of her jean shorts and holds them out toward the waitress. “We can cash out now, I’m sure things are going to get wild in here soon with it being fifteen minutes until midnight. Keep the change.” She smiles warmly when the waitress thanks her and scurries off.

I’m more turned on by her interaction with the waitress than when she was talking about her vibrator. How someone treats restaurant staff is a true judge of character in my book and an attractive quality to me. Not that Lexy turns me on or anything. Okay, maybe my dick twitched a little at that vibrator comment, but what guy’s wouldn’t? Especially coming from a hot woman. Now that I’m looking at her for the first time without the shock of running into a blast from my past, I’ve noticed she’s really fucking pretty. Her long, blonde hair looks salty and windblown, leaving her tangled curls falling over her shoulders. The blue of her eyes is much richer than mine which tend to look gray more often than not. But it's the red hoodie that matches the red heart sunglasses on her head that’s doing something for me. Red is definitely her color.

Get a fucking grip, dude. You’re only doing hookups unless the perfect person comes along, and hooking up with someone you’re kind of friends with isn’t how you keep things from getting complicated.

Her voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “So, how did you end up in California?”

That’s a more loaded question than she thinks it is. I stick with the short version. “My cousin lives here, and I wanted a change in scenery, so I thought I’d give it a try.”

“Do you like it?”

“Don’t think I’m crazy, but I don’t like it as much as I thought I would.”

“Oh yeah? How come?” I can’t tell if she’s judging my opinion or not.

“Partially the people? Mostly the–”

“Vibe,” she says at the same time the word leaves my lips then laughs. “I knew you were going to say that. Maci says it all the time, and no one I’ve ever met here uses that word.”

I can’t help but smirk. “It’s an adjustment living here for a lot of reasons.”

“Are you going to move back?”

“Not sure yet. I don’t hate it here, so I’m trying to give it a real chance. It’s only been a few months. Depends on the opportunities that come my way. What about you? Have you always lived here?”

“Yup. I’ve been here my whole life.”

“Do you want to stay here for the rest of it?”

“I don’t want to die in LA, but I’m too comfortable here to leave.”

As I’m about to comment, the music shuts off. Someone turns on the television, the wind-chilled voice of the announcer on the replay of the ball drop in Times Square crackling through the speakers. I forgot for a second it was New Year’s Eve, we are in public and that there was anyone else around.

“10…9…8…” Everyone in the bar chants loudly, overpowering the TV.

I glance at Lexy, and an unexplainable force draws me to her. I slide across the three inches of black leather seat that separates us. We must have been inching closer together as we were talking because I’m confident I did not sit this close to her initially. Her blue eyes fill with both confusion and curiosity at my movements. I don’t know. I seriously don’t have any fucking clue.

“3…2…1…” I lean in and kiss her. Apparently that’s what I’m doing. I feel her tense up and immediately pull back.

Her gaze is locked onto mine. “What was that?” She says it softly, but there’s demand in her voice.

Seriously, what the fuck was that? I shrug. “I think it’s pretty cool you chose cheering up your friend over a date tonight. You shouldn’t have to miss out because of it.” I wink at her.

She hesitates for a second as if she’s contemplating her response. “Okay, well that ‘catch me by surprise thing’ was not cool.”

I can’t tell if she’s truly mad. I start my apology, but she cuts me off.

“I can’t have you misjudging my capabilities.” I catch her smirk right before her lips collide with mine again.

This time she’s less tense. She’s so far from tense it feels like she’s melting into me. It’s sweet. For a second. Then her hand grips my neck, drawing us closer together. She takes over the kiss, her tongue finding it’s way to mine as if she knows it’s what I want; it’s sexy as fuck. My hands reach for her hips, middle fingers sliding through the belt loops of her shorts and pulling her closer to me.

Her fingers run up my neck, through the short tips of my hair. As fast as they found their way there, they disappear. The rest of her pulls back too, leaving me stunned. “Much better.” She smiles innocently at me like she wasn’t just trying to seduce me. “Are you ready to go?”

It takes me a second to find my words. “Yeah.” I clear my throat. “Let’s go.”


