Page 60 of Ruthlessly Mine

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“Jessie. Please don’t tell them we’ve talked. Okay? Promise me that.” When Jessie hesitated, I began to panic. How would she know the police were looking for me? She could only find that out from talking to her brother. I’d made a huge mistake in calling her. Red flags were popping up like wildfire. “Please. There is a lot going on and I need you to trust me.”

“O-kay, but you’re scaring me to death. Call me. Let me know what’s going on.”

“I will,” I said, lying my ass off. At this point, I wouldn’t risk any additional calls. “Take care of yourself.” I ended the call before she could say anything else, quickly powering it off. My hands were shaking so badly, I almost dropped the cell phone twice. “Stupid. Stupid.”

“Who were you calling?”

I jumped, almost pitching forward when I heard Blade’s voice. “I, uh…” Turning quickly, I expected to see an enraged expression, but he was so calm. “Jessie. I wanted to let her know I was all right. I know what you said, but I wanted someone to know who cares about me that I’m all right.”

“Against my explicit orders not to turn on your phone,” Blade said far too calmly.

“Yes.” For some reason, I almost added the word ‘sir’ after the single syllable.

He exhaled then held out his open hand. “If we were in Miami, at least one of the men involved in Sanchez’s organization could already have tracked our location. While I doubt these Desperados have the capabilities, that chance won’t be taken again. Do you hear me?”

I had no way of knowing whether he was boasting or telling me a flat-out lie, but I reacted, handing him the phone. “Yes. I’m sorry.” I just knew he was going to crush the piece between his fingers. He didn’t, only gave me a stern look, scolding me with no words. “I’m really sorry.”

After sliding the phone into his pocket, he nodded toward the house.

“Fine. I’ll go inside. Come on, Zorro.” Zorro barked twice before responding, bounding behind me as I trailed behind Blade. There wasn’t a single word spoken as he led me inside, closing and locking the door. I was being admonished for my bad girl behavior. “Aren’t you going to say anything else?”

Blade walked into the kitchen and to an already opened beer, taking a long gulp. His eyes never left me, yet they didn’t roam as before, merely locked onto mine.

“You’re really not going to say anything else?” I inched closer, feeling smaller and smaller.

“What do you want me to say? That you could have easily gotten yourself killed? That you placed both our lives in danger? Just stay inside. That’s it. That’s your only order now.” Every word was issued with a velveteen smooth drawl, alluring in far too many ways.

“I said I’m sorry. Okay? I’m scared and confused.”

“I get that, but you can’t go off halfcocked.”

I studied him for a minute, trying to rationalize everything. “Did you know the Desperados absolutely have a connection to Miami? Bitter blood, so I hear. Maybe it’s the reason for all the warring going on?” While he certainly wasn’t surprised at the news, I could see a flash in his eyes.

“The question is, how do you know?”

“My friend has a brother who’s a cop.”

He walked around the end of the island, heading toward a long hallway. “I put your bags in the second room. The assholes will have to get through me first.”

I couldn’t believe he didn’t react in any manner, which meant he had been keeping a pile of secrets from me. When he disappeared, I nudged my ass against the counter, grousing under my breath. Jesus. What Jessie had said was very true and I would guess there were many more layers. Laughing nervously, I noticed a couple bottles of wine. At least I could get drunk before the assholes exacted their brand of revenge.

I couldn’t stop laughing as I searched for a wine opener, almost ready to bite off the top with my teeth. It was before noon, and I was ready to drink. Well, I was on a mini vacation. Right? My giggling sounds turned into cackling, and I knew the sound had floated down the hallway. Managing to find a very crude and rusted opener, I struggled for a full five minutes until I was able to jerk out the cork. I settled on what appeared to be a clean rocks glass as my vessel of choice, laughing the entire time. Zorro watched my every movement as I poured first half then the entire thing full. “Well, baby. We’ll enjoy the sun and fun while it lasts.” I took a gulp, then a second, surprised at the warm and fulfilling taste.

Blade was many things including a wine connoisseur. A hot lover. A marksman.

A killer.

I doubled over, trying to keep the glass in my hand.

“Do you think this is funny?”

His voice didn’t have the same effect as before. In fact, I bristled as I snapped my head in his direction. “In a way, yes.” I took another swig then another, defying him with my eyes, body language and even the way I held my glass. “What are you going to do about it?”

Every step he took seemed calculated and I could swear the same length of stride. I backed up against the counter, one hand firmly planted around the glass and the other clawing the cabinet. He seemed almost enormous as he closed the distance, leaving me panting for air.

Crowding me, he took a series of deep breaths before shaking his head and smacking the other on the cabinet. “Damn it, Crystal. You of all people should understand what we’re dealing with. You should know exactly what could happen.”

Of course he was right. “Then let’s drink and have a good time. We won’t be able to stop them.” I managed to almost polish off the drink before he jerked the tumbler out of my hand.
