Page 136 of If We Say Goodbye

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I look down and gasp. “You wore navy sneakers too?”

“Of course.”

My little heart is giddy, and I try to suppress the tiny smile on my lips. “Let’s go dance.” I extend my hand.

He takes it, weaving his fingers in mine.

I take a step forward.

He pulls me backward, spinning me around. “Not so fast.” He cups my face, kissing me as he pushes me back against the wall.

Butterflies ripple through me, all the way down to my toes. I know now—more than ever—we were never meant to be apart.

I wonder if he can feel the smile on my lips.


“Why does your mom keep calling?”I ask Caleb as her contact lights up the screen on the dash.

This is, at least, the third time she’s called if not more. I’m starting to get nervous.

“We’re almost home. I’ll talk to her when we get there.”

“What if something’s wrong?” In the back of my mind, I wonder if she found out about us already. Maybe someone posted a picture with us in the background, and she saw it. What if she’s already filed a report against my dad and we didn’t even have the chance to stop her?

Caleb squeezes my hand. “I’m sure everything’s fine. It’s a couple of minutes past my curfew, so she’s probably just wondering where I am. It’ll be fine. I promise.”

I cringe, knowing I’m about to be blamed for him being late. I grab my bag and hug it close, even though it’s clunky and full of soda from the dance. We had way too much, and I’m not one to waste liquid gold.

We near his house. As his headlights light up the driveway, his mom comes running out the front door.

I sink lower in my seat, not ready to face her.

She comes right up to Caleb’s side of the car, yanking the door open. “Please tell me Jordy is with you.”

I know she sees me sitting next to Caleb . . .

“I haven’t seen him since before I left,” Caleb replies.

She rubs her forehead. “He’s gone. I’ve searched everywhere.”

“Did something happen?”

She nods. “He found out about my promotion.”

Caleb tenses up. “How long has he been gone?”

“An hour.” She folds her arms across her chest. “I thought he ran outside to blow off steam, but he never came back.”

She keeps stealing glances at me, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Did you track his phone?” Caleb asks.

She nods. “He left his phone here.”

Caleb rubs his chin in thought, trying to stay calm. “You called—”

“I’ve called everyone.”
