Page 139 of If We Say Goodbye

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“Yeah.” Jordy’s grin grows wider showing the gap from his missing front teeth.

“It’s getting pretty dark. Do you want to start heading back?”

He sighs. “Just one more minute.”


“I want to try this,” he says, lifting the soda. He opens it, and as soon as he takes a sip, his nose crinkles.

“What’s wrong?”

His eyes grow big. “It’s tickling my nose.”

I laugh.

He cringes, eyes still big, and leans closer to me. “This won’t make me drunk, will it?”

“No, of course not.”

“Phew,” he says, taking another sip. “I was worried for a second.”

I raise my voice to make sure the eavesdroppers can hear me. “It’s just soda.”

Jordy giggles.

“You don’t have soda very often, do you?” I ask.

“How’d you know?”

“Just a feeling.”

He takes one more sip and then stands. “I’m ready.”

“I’m glad,” I say, standing too.

He takes the slide down.

I follow close behind, but I have to hold tightly onto my dress to keep it from flying up. Never in a million years did I picture myself dressed up like this at a playground. I guess there’s a first time for everything.

Caleb laughs as I come down, and I roll my eyes.

Mrs. Park drops to her knees and wraps Jordy up in a hug. Jordy pulls away and grabs my hand. “Will you come over to our house for a little bit? I have another math question, and we could watch a show after.”

I hesitate. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“I think you guys might be a little busy,” I say, trying to avoid stating the obvious.

Mrs. Park clears her throat, standing. “She’s right. It’s not a good time.”

“Yes, it is,” Caleb says, taking my hand in his. I almost pull away out of fear, but he squeezes my hand, locking me in place.

Mrs. Park crosses her arms. “Caleb, I’m just trying to take care of you. I know what’s best.”

“How? How do you know what’s best for me if you never ask me what I want? I’ve spent my whole life trying to make you proud, letting you choose every little decision in my life, and I’ve never questioned you. Until now.”

“That’s not true.”
