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“Please, Tarryn,” he gasped, his words ragged.

The word ricocheted through my brain, setting off a chain reaction I couldn’t stop.


Why was that so fucking hot?

The need to come was intense, torturous.

My breath caught as the first spasm of my orgasm clamped down like a stuck vise. He swore and writhed underneath me as the convulsion of my orgasm let go, letting the ecstasy shudder through my body. I fucked him into the sofa and still, he held back, twisting beneath me.

He sounded like he was going to kill something. The fingers on my ass tightened, and he pulled me down harder on his cock. He arched under me like a possessed man during an exorcism, and between one flutter of my orgasm and the next, his cock bucked inside me, straining, filling me. He held me down tightly as he pulsed inside me, like he was trying to force his cum deeper into my body.

After a few moments, he slumped back, letting my knees come into contact with the sofa again.

“Mine,” he growled in my ear, low enough that I almost missed it.

Shit. I wasnothis. Not now. Not ever.

Fuck, this had been a mistake.

I struggled off him, and he let me go.

It felt like midnight had struck, leaving me holding the pumpkin.

Loïc grabbed me before I was out of reach and pulled me to him, kissing me long and deep, making me respond. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to my room, where he put me into bed and tucked me in.

He stared down at me for a long moment, then averted his eyes. He fidgeted awkwardly. Left.

I lay there blinking, overwhelmed, sated, confused, worried, leaden.

He came back fully dressed, with a glass of water he set down on my nightstand.

“I’ll see you soon,ma jolie.”

I opened my mouth, not sure what to say.

He left so quickly, that when I managed to struggle out of bed he was already gone. Cum dripped down my thighs as I stood in the middle of my living room, not sure what to do. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, then threw on my robe. My legs felt boneless.

I needed to call Valor and explain, but fear slowed my steps to the sofa.

How was I going to explain this to him—that I had temporarily taken leave of my senses? What if he left me? Without Valor, my life meant nothing. Why would I have taken such a stupid risk with our relationship? It didn’t make sense.

Yes, Loïc had seduced me, but I hadn’t fought it hard enough. I hadn’t fought it much at all.

Shaming self-talk ensued.

I needed to stop freaking out and get it over with. Valor deserved more than me cowardly avoiding this conversation with him.

I picked up my phone and found his face gazing up at me.

“You’re still there.”

“Of course I am.”

I wiped at tears, but more took their place. “I don’t know what to say. Why didn’t you return my messages? I waited.”

“Not long.”
