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Hot, unreasonable jealousy trickled through me, keeping me warm.

Being cuckolded wasn’t one of my kinks.

Even if they glanced my way, they probably wouldn’t be able to see me. In the dark, I leaned against a tree in the courtyard, trying to figure out where it had all gone wrong.

Why were they in Spain together without telling me they were going, let alone where? At first, I’d thought it was a game, but now I could see the truth.

They looked so…happy.

They hadn’t invited me because they didn’t want me here.

My stomach twisted, and I glanced down at my phone. I’d remembered it this time.

[Jack] Maybe they want to spend time alone together. They are married

I frowned at Jack’s words, then transferred my attention back to them and wiped the rain from my eyes. I wasn’t sure what made me feel worse—the fact that they’d come here without telling me, or that they seemed delighted to be alone together. Tracking them down had been fun, but seeing them like this?

Had they ditched me on purpose, or had they assumed I’d be gone longer?

[Me] But they like me too, I typed back, my fingers slipping in the raindrops that splattered my screen, making it difficult to get my phone to understand what I was trying to type.

They did like me, too, didn’t they?

[Jack] I’m sure they do, but you’ve also been trying to break them up

[Me] It’s just a game

[Jack] I’m sure it’s not one for them, and it shouldn’t be for you. If you want them both, maybe try being nice to them

Nice? I made their lives interesting. I gave them orgasms, I made sure they knew they were important to me by always knowing what they were doing and where they were going. Wasn’t that how love worked?

[Me] They weren’t happy before. They were lonely

[Jack] And trying to break them up was supposed to fix that?

[Me] Either it would make them break up so they could be happy with other people, or it would strengthen the relationship

[Jack] Well, it sounds like your efforts were successful, then. I would say their vacation together shows that they are happier now, wouldn’t you?

But what about Loïc?

That was what I wanted to say, but even in my head it sounded juvenile. Even so, the feeling wouldn’t go away. They had come here to spend time together away from me. I felt rejected, which was strange considering we always gave each other a hard time.

This felt different. Exclusionary.

[Me] I suppose

[Jack] You should let them have this time alone. If they wanted you there, they would have invited you


They were still talking. Smiling. What did they still have to talk about after being together for so many years? They called each other constantly, so it wasn’t like they had to catch up.

Neither of them ever looked at me the way they were looking at each other.

Oh, right. They were in a relationship, and I was simply a diversion. A toy.

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