Page 101 of War of Wrath and Ruin

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Back to reality.

I dodged a sword to my right, and my blade made contact with flesh as I swiped my weapon in front of my body. Another fae down.

Another body.

I stepped on top of the corpse and cut down another.

And another.

Saints. These soldiers must have been inexperienced in battle. I caught the look of a few terrified faces just before death greeted them.

This was no place for the weak.

“Malachi!” Ser’s voice pulled my attention to the left. “Malachi, get out of here!”

“I’m not leaving, Ser!” I yelled as I sliced the head off another attacker. “This is my kingdom. I’m fighting!”

Serefin sliced his way toward me, cutting down two more fae and stepping over their bleeding bodies. “Then I’m not letting you leave my sight,” he mumbled.

Together, we pushed forward, leading the army in battle as we pushed the troops further and further from the front gate of the castle.



My legs shook as I ran, down and down that stupid spiral staircase. I wasn’t planning on leaving the roof. I didn’t plan on disobeying Malachi’s direct orders. But watching him leap over that wall and into battle…

No. I wouldn’t stand by and watch as my life was ripped from me again.

The front doors would still be bolted closed. There was no way I was getting out of there. I had to think.

How else could I make it out of this damned castle?

I ran down the hallway that Mal had led me through not even an hour before.

There was a servant’s exit. I had heard him speak of it before, the servants would never use the front doors to the castle.

That would be my way out.

I ran, looking for any door that looked short or hidden. Those doors would be the ones to lead me outside.

And before I knew it, I was pushing a small wooden door open to the outside.

I was on the side of the castle now, not anywhere near the front.

But I could still feel the tension in the air. The smell of death was even stronger now. And it would only get stronger.

Darkness hid me in its comforting shadows as I kept one hand on the stone castle wall, letting it lead me to the front.

I heard the screams first. The towering wall stopped me from viewing any of the fighting, but from what I saw on the roof, I was close.

I just had to get over that damned wall.

I took a deep breath and bolted, closing the distance from the castle to the wall that now separated me from the battle.

Power pulled on my chest. I knew I could wield it if necessary. I only hoped I wouldn’t have to.

The knife Malachi had given me ages ago fit firmly in my hand. My palm was sweating, but not from nerves.
