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“Your power was out of control, Jade. I felt it first, and then I saw it. You would have killed him. You would have killed your own father.”

Her eyes were wild, darting around in the darkness. “I–I had no idea. I didn’t know, I was just so angry. He wouldn’t stop!”

“I know,” I said. “I heard it all.”

“It just felt like my temper at first, it really did. I had no idea it was my power.”

“How did it feel?” I asked. “Describe it to me.”

“It felt…good. At first. Powerful. I didn’t feel any different, though. I just felt strong.”

I nodded, knowing the feeling all too well. “It practically radiated from your entire body. A cast of light.”

“Really?” she asked. “You could see it?”

“Yes,” I said. “I could. And I’m sure others could too if they paid close enough attention. This is exactly what we don’t need.”

“You’re angry with me?” she asked.

I took a long, calming breath. How could she possibly think that? Watching Jade defend herself to her father for once was one of the best things I had witnessed in my life. That man deserved much, much worse things than death.

Even in the hands of his own daughter.

I took a step closer to Jade, who was leaning against the wall. “Of course I’m not mad,” I said. “I will never be mad at you for using your power. Even if you might kill a few deserving bastards in the process.”

Jade smiled. It was nice to see her smiling again. “I guess it’s safe to say my power is getting stronger. It was so easy. Like my powerwantedme to use it.”

“We need to begin training again right away.”

“With Esther?”

With Esther.I knew this moment would come. We couldn’t leave Esther rotting away down in the dungeon forever. At some point, we were going to need her again. “Yes,” I answered. “With Esther.”

Jade nodded in agreement. “And what exactly will I be training for?” she asked.

“You will soon possess some of the strongest power in history, Jade. We have to teach you how to control your power, and, if needed, how to use it as your weapon.”

“Do you think I will need it to defend myself?” she asked.

“I think we will be very lucky people if we never get to that point.”

My gaze moved from Jade’s eyes to her perfect, soft lips. In the empty room, I could practically hear each beat of her heart in her chest.

I caught myself before I made any moves I might regret. “I have to go,” I said. Jade mumbled something similar. “Meet me in the garden at dusk tomorrow. We’ll begin training your magic again then.”

Jade barely nodded before scurrying out of the room.

“Malachi?” She stopped and called back to me.


“Thank you. For defending me.”

I knew Jade couldn’t see it in the dark, but a smile crept onto my face. “Anytime, princess.”


