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I swallowed the emotion that now stung my throat and looked Serefin straight in the eye. “You might truly believe that, but at the end of the day, I am a mere human in the pits of fae. If I have learned anything, it’s that I am nothing more than a tool to be used in war. That won’t change, Serefin. If I am the peacemaker, it canneverchange.”

He opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again and nodded gently. “I am truly sorry, Jade. You don’t deserve this life.”

I placed my hand atop his. “Thank you, Serefin. The amount of people I can still trust seems to be dwindling.”

He gave me a small smile and we both continued walking down the stone hallway.

“I know you believe his behavior is uncalled for,” Serefin said in a low voice. I didn’t have to ask who his words were about.

“I was wrong to expect anything else.”

“Prince Malachi does what he does because he cares so deeply. I hope you can forgive him enough to see that one day.”

I considered his words as we approached the dining room.

“King,” I corrected.

“Excuse me?”

“You saidPrinceMalachi. I believe you meantKingMalachi.”

He shook his head softly and looked at the ground as we walked. “Yes,” he breathed with a slight laugh. “KingMalachi.”

We didn’t speak again until we had arrived at Malachi’s dining room doors. “Thank you for accompanying me, Serefin,” I said.

He smiled again as he pulled the large door open. “It was my pleasure.”

Butterflies erupted through my stomach as I took the last few steps into the small dining room. I met Malachi’s eyes instantly, they practically forced my attention. “Thank you, Serefin. We’re okay in here,” he said.

And the large door boomed shut behind me.

I froze where I stood, taking in Malachi’s massive black wings that hung lazily over the dining room chair he relaxed in.

His massive, terrifying wings.

“Please,” he started. “Take a seat.”

His deep voice echoed off the dark walls. I waited a second longer before taking a seat across from him at the table.

“You look much cleaner,” I observed, noting the lack of blood-splatter on his skin.

He smirked, but his eyes were locked on mine.Alwayslocked on mine.

“I’m flattered that you noticed,” he teased.

“Don’t be,” I retorted. “You’ll be drenched in blood again in no time.”

“Don’t tempt me, princess,” he growled as he leaned forward an inch. “I tend to have too much fun when splattering blood is involved.”

My breath hitched. This wasn’t the Malachi I had grown to know. This wasn’t the soft, protective man who hated killing.

“Don’t call me princess.”

“Why not?” he asked. “That is what you are, Jade. If not the–”

“Don’t say it. I am not your queen. I never will be.”

Malachi’s brows furrowed as he stared at me. I would have given anything to know what was going through his mind. Did he want me to be his queen? Was he expecting that from me? I watched as his eyes glazed over, but he never broke eye contact.

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