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I let go of Jade’s hand and took one step forward. Everyone’s eyes glued onto me. “Do we have a problem here, gentleman?”

The three of them stood there, staring at me. They knew the answer. I knew what they were going to say.

“We’ve had a problem since the day your wife was born, King Malachi.”

Jade exhaled loudly behind me. “I would think very carefully about what you say next. This is my kingdom, and you’re threatening my queen.”

“We didn’t come here to threaten anyone. We came here to see if the rumors were true.”

My power ran hot in my body, ready to take these men down with a single thought. “How exactly do you plan on doing that?”

A single threatening word from them, and my power would wipe them out. Their bodies would never find their way back to the Paragon.

“We were hoping you would do us the small favor of exhibiting your wife’s powers upon our request.”

I laughed. Iactually laughed. Were they serious?

“And why would I do that? So you could rip her away from here and take her back to your leader? Or is it for your own sick interests?”

“It’s in your best interest.”

“Really? How is that possibly in my best interest?”

“Mal,” Jade warned from behind me. I ignored her. How dare these three march in here and demand to see Jade’s power? Did they really think I would roll over and let them do whatever they wanted?

This was my kingdom. It wasmyjob to keep the people of Rewyth safe.

Including Jade.

I found myself wishing Esther were here.

But I quickly shook it off.

“Look,” the leader said as he lowered his voice. “I understand that you’re trying to protect her. But we have very strict orders to discover if your human wife really possesses power or not. We can’t leave here without seeing her gifts.”

“And if we refuse to cooperate?”

“Then we won’t be the ones coming down here next time. You’ll be hearing from Silas.”

The blood rushed from my face.Silas.

“What did you just say?” I asked. My fists clenched at my sides.

“If we don’t deliver news about your wife, Silas will come here himself. And he won’t be so peaceful.”

“You call showing up here and threatening my wifepeaceful?”

“We wish no harm on your wife, King Malachi. We only wish to discover the truth.”

“The truth? You’re looking for the truth of an ancient prophecy that could be complete bullshit, and you’re hoping to find the truth from my wife?”

“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

I looked at Serefin, who only clenched his jaw in response.Get ready.“This ismykingdom,” I declared. “I will not say that again. I plan on making this very difficult for you. If you want something from me or my wife, you’ll have to take it yourselves. I’m not giving you anything.”

The three men looked at their surroundings, likely sizing us up to see how easily they could take us.

Not happening.
