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Adeline nodded with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Follow me.”

I didn’t hesitate for a second. Tessa and I practically jumped from the table and followed Adeline out of the castle.

She led us past the hidden lagoon in the woods and through a long and skinny dirt path, sometimes walking so quickly we had to jog to catch up. “Are you sure this is safe?” I questioned as we ventured further. “I mean, is it common to head into town whenever you want?”

Adeline flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “It’s plenty safe,” she answered, “but I wouldn’t necessarily go telling Malachi about this little adventure. You know how he gets.”

Tessa’s eyes darted between Adeline and me, but she didn’t say anything.

“And you go into town frequently? What if someone recognizes us?” Adeline didn’t answer. Instead, she kept walking forward, further and further down the path. A few moments later, Adeline ducked off the path and into the tree line. “Adeline!” I hissed. “Adeline, where are you going?” I grabbed Tessa’s arm and stayed with her on the path.

“Relax,” she said as she stepped back into view a few seconds later. “We need these.”

She passed us each a hooded cloak. “Seriously?” I asked. “You just hide these in the trees?”

“Where else am I going to hide them?” she questioned.

I helped Tessa adjust her cloak before covering my own head. After what happened with Kara in the hallway, I was fairly certain I could defend myself against a fae, but an entire town full of them? That would be a death wish.

We had to be cautious. With a target on my back, nowhere would be safe.

Adeline led us onward, through the trees and on the same narrow path, until the trees grew thinner and thinner.

Squinting ahead, I could make out the rough shape of small stone buildings. “Is that it?” I asked.

“It sure is!”

“It’s smaller than I imagined.”

Adeline laughed. “Trust me, it’s much bigger once you’re down there.”

We continued walking with Tessa trailing silently behind us. I could feel the excitement buzzing off of her.

The stone buildings became bigger and bigger, and in just a few minutes, the streets of Rewyth became clear.

They were no longer smaller than I had imagined. The buildings themselves may not have been castle-like, but each fae we passed practically dripped in jewels and riches.

The town was magnificent.

I didn’t let go of Tessa’s hand, even as she gawked at each fancy new item we passed.

“Here we are,” Adeline said, stepping into a doorway of one of the shops.

“Where are we?” I asked. “What is this place?”

The three of us walked inside, and the door closed behind us with the ring of a small bell.

A woman stepped forward with her gaze locked on Adeline. Her eyes held a certain warmth that instantly made me feel comfortable.

“This is Vespera. She’s my favorite dressmaker in the kingdom. We’re dressing up today ladies, my treat. The coronation ball is tomorrow and we’ll be looking our very best!”

Tessa squealed in excitement as the realization hit her. I reminded myself to stay calm. “We’re going to a ball? And you’re buying us dresses?”

“No, silly,” Vespera answered for her. She was a thin, pale fae with slender wings. She had numerous piercings accenting her face, and her hand was thin as she stuck it out to me to shake. “We’re making them from scratch.”

Breath escaped me. I could have never dreamed of having my own dress back home, much less having one made for me.

Living in Rewyth, I had been given many dresses to wear. But none of them felt like mine. None of them felt like they were for me.

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