Page 95 of Wings So Wicked

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Wolf didn’t have time to prepare for my hit. He grunted and doubled over, giving me the perfect opportunity to send another hit to his back, directly in between the base of his wings.

He dropped to his knees immediately with another growl of pain.

“Wow,” I breathed. “If I knew the way to get you on your knees was by hitting you between your wings, I would have done that a long time ago.” I chuckled and put both hands on my hips.

But Wolf wasn’t done. He grabbed the backs of my calves and pulled my legs out from beneath me, sending me crashing onto my back in front of him.

He leaned forward and knelt over me, his black angel wings on full display. “If you want me on my knees, Huntress, all you have to do is ask.”

Deep down, I knew he was messing with me, trying to distract me.

Deep down, I knew he wasn’t serious.

But the way his gaze flickered across my face, lingering on my mouth. The way his hand grazed the back of my leg, teasing beneath my knee.

If it was a distraction, it was a damn good one.

“Great,” Lanson’s voice interrupted us.

I scrambled away from Wolf and made it to my feet, brushing the dirt off my back as best I could.

“What do you want now?” Wolf asked with a bored sigh.

“You really can’t keep this contained to your bedroom?” Lanson growled. His perfectly placed hair was now disheveled and messy. His clothes were clearly dirty, his eyes dark with exhaustion.

This wasn’t the Lanson I knew. The Lanson I knew wasn’t confrontational. He swallowed his grievances.

But he had always been jealous of Wolf.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumbled.

“Enough,” he spat. Wolf rose to his feet beside me. “Stop lying to me, Huntyr. All you ever do is lie.”

Ashlani was at his side, pulling onto his arm. “Stop this, Lanson,” she whispered.

“I’m not lying,” I said, louder this time. I wasn’t sure why I felt such a strong need to defend myself, especially to Lanson. “There’s nothing going on between us. I told you that before, and it’s still true. Not like it’s any of your concern.”

He laughed, but it wasn’t the same bubbly laugh I had heard before. This one was cracked and angry, filled with emotions that couldn’t be contained. “None of my concern? Funny. That’s not what it felt like when you were kissing me.”

He was too loud, and the fighters around us started to look.

“Stop it, Lanson!” Ashlani hissed again.

“No,” Wolf drawled, narrowing his eyes. “Please, continue.”

Lanson’s attention slid to him. His nostrils flared, his face turned red with anger. “Fuck you,” he hissed.

Wolf didn’t budge.

Lanson stepped forward toward Wolf. Too close. “You think you’re so strong? You think you’re better than everyone else here because you're an angel?”

Still, Wolf didn’t budge.

“She’s not who you think she is,” Lanson hissed, pointing a finger in my direction.

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling everyone’s attention landing on me.

“You’ve said enough,” Wolf said quietly. Lethally.
