Page 37 of Tortured Beasts

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“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I snarled. “I’m just trying to think positively, get our morale up so we can actually have a chance to break this damn curse. You and Aeon are so stuck in your sad vision of the world that you don’t realize that you’re missing out on the small things in life, like that beautiful woman in there that you guys are so desperate to hate because it makes you fucking feel better.”


“No, don't patronize me. I appreciate you saving my mate, you’ve given me a gift that I can’t repay, but I won’t let either one of you hurt her anymore,” I snapped, walking away.

“Lu, look. All I’m saying is that we can’t afford to put too much hope into breaking the curse. She doesn’t have any magic training. What could she possibly do to break it?” Zev followed me, sounding defeated, like he knew she was going to fail already.

“She has an insane amount of knowledge. Every night she has been prepping this spell all by herself.”

I growled, hating that I constantly had to defend her against either of them. If this was going to be a constant battle, I would just take Katarina somewhere else on the property for us to do our research and let them do whatever the hell they wanted. If there was a way to break the spell, I was angry enough to see if there was a way to keep them cursed. I would enjoy it when they realized they were wrong in assuming my hope was just wasted air.

“And what if this spell fails? Will that change your mind? Will you take her off that pedestal you put her on?”

“It’s like you want her to fail!” I yelled, getting more irritated with Zev. “Would that make you feel better if she failed and you can go back to being being broody and mad at the fucking world?”

“She’s the reason we are at each other's throats all the time. She’s the reason Aeon is pulling away. Katarina is doing this to us.” He grabbed my arm and I snarled at him.

“No, that is on you guys,” I snapped at him, feeling my wolf pushing forward. “You have chosen to keeping hating her, to keep this two hundred-year-old grudge, but I’m fucking tired of living like this.”

I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

“And what about kids?” He asked. “She can’t give you everything you need. When are you going to realize that we are in this mess because of her? What is it going to take for you to realize she is just stringing all of us along?!”

He roared as his alpha power threatened to make me submit.

“When are you going to get your head out of your ass? God, I’m so sick of this same argument. If you think this is such a waste of time then leave us alone.”

I went up the stairs to the front door, running past the dining room up to my room. My anger threatened to make me shift, but I needed a bath and we needed to get the spell done immediately. Getting in the tub, I quickly scrubbed myself, getting all the dirt and grime off, scrubbing harder than I should have. Once I was clean, the warm water made me stay for an extra few minutes.

The stress of everything was making me go crazy. I thought we were finally getting past not trusting Katarina, and their hatred for her. But we were right back at the beginning or even worse off.

Grabbing a towel, I dried myself off, slipping on just a pair of pants. As much as I wanted to go straight to Katarina, I went looking for Aeon. At least with him, I might be able to talk some sense into him. I looked for him in his room, my drawing room and then in the dining room.

He was nowhere to be found, making me worried that he wasn’t going to go through with the spell. I grabbed a piece of bread before I left the dining room and headed into the library. There was a chill in the air now that fall was here. Samhain was just around the corner. This was my favorite holiday with the pack. We always made it a big celebration with a huge bonfire, games and of course a midnight run.

My mother always baked days before the celebration, making our home smell so good. My fathers always took a few days off to help her. Other than Yule, this was the only time we all spent a few days together.

My mood was soured by the time I reached the library, where everyone was waiting for me. Katarina was standing in between Aeon and Zev, looking like a queen among them. Her hair was pulled away from her face, showcasing her mating mark and the gorgeous line of her neck.

She wore pants with a tight top, showcasing her curvaceous figure. Her face was devoid of an expression, making me wonder if something had been said between them or had they just been silent. Either option didn’t sound good.

“Sorry for running late,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat.

“Are you ok?” Katarina asked.

“Yeah, I just needed a moment in the bath,” I said, not wanting to admit I was looking for Aeon.

“Ok, well then, let’s get started.” She grabbed a book off the floor, turning a page.

“Everyone needs to stand in front of a symbol, preferably one you are associated with.”

We all walked to a symbol, Zev and I the only ones with magic that coincided with an element. Aeon took wind, while Katarina took water.

“I will say an incantation for the moon to power the circle and together we will recite this before we offer our blood.”

Katarina passed around pieces of paper of what we had to say, along with 3 knives to us.

“After the blood is offered we say the words at the bottom of the page and that should activate the power. Once that is done we will each take a stone and go to the furthest part of the property to bury it and once all four stones are in the ground, the ward should go up.”
