Page 58 of Her Beasts

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“Five minutes,” she whimpered.

I stepped back and it was the hardest thing to do. While she finished up the portion of the spell she had to do, I paced in front of her feeling like a lion waiting for a kill.

“Kitten.” Aeon growled behind me, looking feral.

She whimpered as she said her incantation.

Aeon stalked over to her, looking ready to just lift her up, but I held my hand out so he couldn’t bother her. He growled at me, his eyes flashing yellow.

“She’s almost done,” I snapped, hoping he took the hint.

We watched her with rapt attention until I saw her smirk, she had been playing with us!

“Katarina, you better be done in the next…”

She didn’t wait for me to finish my sentence before she took off running. I laughed because I should have known better. Katarina never did as she was told, she was a little brat through and through.

Aeon ran after her as she ran through the furniture to slow us down, but she left the library running right into Mr. Potter. She screamed as she dropped the tray of food, but I saw her quickly pick up something before she ran away.

“Sorry, Mr. Potter,” I yelled, before passing by, growling to scare Katarina even more.

“It's a warm night! Have fun!” he yelled back. I’m sure Mr. Potter would want nothing more than to have Katarina and I mated with little babies roaming these halls.

“Come on lioness, slow down and I promise you’ll enjoy what I want to do to you.” Aeon’s wolf had changed his voice.

She didn’t say anything as she ran through the foyer and out the front door, laughing. Her laughter soothed my soul. I knew firsthand how losing family could leave you broken, and being stuck here with us didn’t make it any better. The cool spring air felt good, and the smell of rain was even better.

“Come on old men, I might dry up before you catch me!” Katarina giggled, running to the set of trees we had to the left.

Aeon laughed and I thought I heard another laugh in the distance. Lucien must be close. She weaved in and out of trees at a fast pace. It seemed with every bond she made, she grew stronger and faster. Now I knew why she was faster than all the other Belladonnas, she had been one of us all along. The moment we had heard Serena say it, my wolf wanted to howl with all the possibilities of running in the forest together as wolves crossed our minds.

“Shit!” Katarina screamed, and I saw Lucien pop out tackling her in his wolf form.

They tumbled around until she got the upper hand, but Aeon grabbed her from behind. She wasted no time in launching her head back, hitting his face, making him let go of her before she threw up a wall of fire so I couldn’t follow her.

“Weak!” she yelled, running away.

I growled, growing vines towards her trying to grab her. One caught her foot, making her fall and she hit the ground a little too hard.

“Shit.” I ran up to her as she curled into a ball.

“Katarina…” I bent down to check on her.

I grabbed her shoulder, and she threw a punch at me. She landed it square on my jaw, kicking me back, burning the vine on her foot before she got up and ran. Goddess, I loved it when she fought me.

“Ten spankings, Hellcat!” I yelled.

“Can’t believe you fell for that.” Lucien's naked ass ran in front of me.

I rolled my eyes running with them, but suddenly I didn’t smell or hear her. We slowed our pace looking around, but it was like she had vanished.

“Why does she smell so good tonight?” Lucien took a lungful of air in, but I couldn’t even smell her, and I had the best nose.

“I smelled her all the way from the dungeon, she didn’t smell like that when I first shifted and checked on her,” Aeon said, when his head snapped to the side.

He motioned for us to follow him. We spread out, staying as quiet as possible, hoping to sneak up on her. I couldn’t smell her, but I could hear her breathing. She had backtracked hoping to confuse us or slow us down. Aeon lunged at a bush, dragging out Katarina by an arm.

She thrashed, hitting his arm before she lit her arm on fire. He growled at the pain, letting her go, but Lucien was there to catch her from behind.
