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Despite Kira’s indiscretions, I can’t forget that. No one deserves to suffer for one woman’s mistakes. Besides, I’ve started to genuinely become fond of many of the people who work for me. I go to watch races with one of the guys in accounting and enjoy chatting with Meghna in HR about her three dachshunds.

Wynters Group really is a family in its own fucked up way.

“So, anyway. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He cracks his knuckles and then digs into his food again. “Anyway, tell me about what’s been going on with your end of things. How’s the Leon Prep project?”

Of course, he just had to ask about the Leon Prep project, the one thing I don’t want to talk about that’s work-related since it has everything to do with Kira.


“Just good? You were so excited about it! I mean at that executive meeting, you were talking about how it was going to set a precedent.”

“It was. I mean. It is.” I sigh. “Listen, can we just not talk about work so I can eat a bit?”

Dad frowns but nods. “Of course, Orlie, of course.”

I start to cut a piece of steak.

“Is everything alright with Kira?”

I drop my fork. “What?”

“Jeez, did I strike a nerve?”

“No, I just – why wouldn’t things be alright with Kira?”

Dad shrugs. “You just seemed to want to stop talking about the project pretty quickly and I don’t want you two butting heads. My son and my favorite employee.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. How am I going to navigate this?

“No, she’s great.” She is. At least when it comes to the project. “You know I try to stay out of her way.”

“Good man. You need to trust her. She’s brilliant. She’s going to knock it out of the park.”

“Yes, of course she will.” He’s so fond of Kira, that I sometimes wonder if he’d rather have her as a child than me.

I can’t ruin his image of her, even though I want to so desperately confide in him and ask for his help.

Dad swishes his whisky in his glass and gets a faraway look in his eye. A smile glimpses onto his lips.

“What’s that look?” I ask.

“What look?”

“You know, the weird wistful look. Like –” I imitate him.

Dad laughs. “You do me better than I do me.”

“I’ve had a lot of time to watch, that’s for sure.”

He shakes his head. “Well, don’t repeat this, especially not to Kira.”

Oh god. What is he about to say?

“She’s an exemplary young woman. In all ways. Intelligent, strong-willed, passionate.”
