Page 37 of Amid Our Lines

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“Is that so?” With that, Adrian drew Eric close by the lapels of his coat and kissed him. Eric responded instantly, and oh, Adrian hadn’t known what it was like to wait, andwait, and then the sweet gratification when it finally happened.

He didn’t break their kiss as he unzipped Eric’s coat, Eric fumbling with Adrian’s jacket at the same time, their hands knocking together. Just a little closer once the first layer was gone, and when Adrian moved back in, pressing himself along Eric’s front, he could feel more of Eric’s body—a flat, firm stomach and a hard chest. He got one hand under Eric’s jumper and found warm skin. Delicious.

“Bed?” Eric muttered into the space between them, and yes, that was an excellent idea.

“You seem smart.” Adrian ducked his head to nip at Eric’s throat and elicited a half-choked sigh. “I think I’ll keep you around.”

When he pulled back, Eric was watching him through half-lidded eyes. The harsh glare of the light outlined his features in vivid contrast, and God, Adrianwantedhim. He considered dropping to his knees right there, trapping Eric’s body against the car so he could proceed to take him apart. It was chilly, though, and the illumination didn’t invite a romantic vibe.

Eric would look good in Adrian’s bed.

Adrian wasn’t sure who moved first—both of them, maybe. He took a step back, clasping Eric’s elbow to bring him along, just as Eric shifted forward. Then they were shuffling towards the stairs, clinging to each other, stopping to kiss every so often. At some point, the automatic light switched off and plunged them into darkness.

Adrian liked kissing, always had—the give-and-take slide of twomouths, the intimacy of nudging his tongue against someone else’s, shared breath and fingers carding through hair. ErosElite had systematically included kissing in scenes, and Adrian would rather go mute for a week than admit that he’d preferred filming those segments over the grinding and thrusting and licking. Sure, it still meant having to tilt his head this way or that, always conscious of flattering angles and what it would look like for the cameras, but he preferred it overokay, now get his leg up higher, move over a bit, pick it up, spread your thighs.

With hookups, kissing was a means to an end, and that was fine. This thing with Eric was different, though. It wasn’t just a quick fumble behind a club, but something Adrian intended to relish, and not only once.

They stumbled their way up the stairs in darkness, one of Adrian’s arms wrapped around Eric’s back to keep him close. Not that Eric seemed likely to go anywhere. His hand was in Adrian’s hair, tilting his head back when Adrian latched onto his throat for another nipping bite that he soothed with his tongue, Eric’s breath coming out in staccato bursts.

Somehow, they made it to the ground floor. Adrian unlocked the door with Eric pressed up against his back, and then faint light slanted into the stairway. Must be his parents up on the first floor, maybe winding down by the fire.

Right, of course. Other people still existed.

Adrian reached back to get his hands on Eric’s arse and pulled him right up against him. He let his head drop onto Eric’s shoulder and took a moment to savour the contact. Then he exhaled.

Peeling himself away was like trying to defy gravity. He managed, though, and entered the reception area before he glanced back at Eric, lowering his voice to a murmur. “Okay, let’s act normal.”

“Normal?” A near-whisper even though Eric looked as though the word didn’t quite compute. It made Adrian bite back a smile because yeah, wasn’t easy to think when most of the blood in your body had been channelled away from your brain. He got it.

“My parents,” he said. “They’re back, and if they see us like this… Imean, unless you’re fine with finding wedding brochures randomly lying around the hotel?”

Eric’s eyes widened. “They wouldn’t.”

“Probably not,” Adrian allowed. “Martin would, though. He’d think it’s funny.”

“Kojo would too.”

Yes, Adrian could just see how Martin and Kojo might get into a playful competition about who could stretch the joke until it snapped. He didn’t feel like being a punchline.

“Maybe we just don’t tell anyone,” he suggested.

Eric gave him a brief, assessing look. The smile that followed came with an odd twist. “Yeah, I guess that might be better.”

They watched each other for a beat before Adrian ducked in to steal another quick kiss. It turned deep and heated in an instant, and maybe that was Adrian’s fault entirely since he was the one who grabbed Eric’s waist and nudged his mouth open. No regrets.

A laugh from upstairs brought Adrian back to the present. He drew away, and fuck, it was satisfying when Eric chased his mouth. Adrian gave in for another few seconds before he turned his head to press their cheeks together. It was nice how Eric was nearly as tall as him.

“Act normal,” he reminded Eric.

“Right. Yeah.” Eric cleared his throat and took a step back, adjusting his coat so it covered the prominent bulge in his trousers. Adrian did the same with his jacket and let Eric pat down his hair.

“Better?” Adrian asked when Eric seemed satisfied with the result.

Eric’s grin lightened the brown of his irises. “No. Now I’ll have to mess it up all over again.”

“Looking forward to it,” Adrian told him.

The look Eric shot him carried enough heat that Adrian nearly forgot about his parents all over again. But, no. It was time to take this from a dimly lit stairway to a proper bed—with a closed door and sheets they could get dirty. So he settled for squeezing Eric’s wrist as he called out a greeting that his parents echoed from the floor above.
