Page 66 of Amid Our Lines

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“Why don’t you go ahead upstairs,” Adrian suggested. “I’ll just get Mrs and Mr Foster here settled in, and then I’ll be right with you.”

“Sure you don’t need my help with the bags?” Eric asked.

“Thanks, love. I’ll handle it.”

Eric departed with a smile and an “Enjoy your stay!” directed at the Fosters. When Adrian’s focus shifted back to the couple, it was to find that Mr Foster had straightened out of his slouch into something slightly less obnoxious.

Paperwork and a brief hotel introduction later, Adrian found Eric in the flat upstairs, sitting in front of the upright piano without actually touching the keys. He turned when Adrian entered, mouth quirking up at the corners.

“Thanks for the save,” Adrian told him.

“Anytime.” Eric got up, then hovered near the piano. “How often does that happen?”

“Occasionally.” Adrian took a step towards him and lifted a shoulder. “Not as often as it used to.”

“Does it bother you?”

“I’m not ashamed.”

“I didn’t say you should be. Just…” Eric twined his hands together. “People coming in with preconceived notions of who you are and how they can use it. Doesn’t it bother you?”

It was a valid question. Adrian gave it some thought, absently studying Eric’s face. “It’s just an extreme version of how we all judge people based on first impressions, isn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

They were quiet for a moment, and Adrian suddenly realised that there was no reason for Eric to stay with Adrian anymore. With his parents gone, Eric could move back into his room.

“I guess I should get my stuff together,” Eric said as though he’d caught the tail end of Adrian’s thoughts. He didn’t sound terribly excited about the prospect, and that gave Adrian the courage to send him a smile.

“Only if you want to.”

“I mean…” Eric tucked his tongue against his teeth, glancing at Adrian. “You’ll probably be glad to have the space back to yourself.”

“Not really,” Adrian said lightly, and it was the right response because Eric’s face cleared.

“You sure?”


“Oh.” Eric rocked back on his heels, his smile shy. “Good.”

Bloody adorable, God.

Adrian closed the distance between them, and the way Eric turned into his touch felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Seriously,though. The bloodynerveof some people.

Distant indignation still simmered under Eric’s skin. He didn’t get angry much, saw little point in it, especially with things he couldn’tchange. And fucking hell, it wasn’t like he could change how that bloke had ogled Adrian earlier, but, just…Wipe that drool off your gob, mate.

Eric curved a hand around Adrian’s waist to keep him close, deepening the kiss even as thoughts kept spinning behind his lids, erratic like firecrackers.

Okay, so he had plenty of appreciation for Adrian’s physical … everything. Sure. But he didn’t—just, no. That wasn’t all, and what was it Adrian had said, what, a couple of weeks ago? Before they’d fallen into … this. But, yeah, it had been something about how people looked at him and saw a guy who’d be fun for a night, thanks and see ya.

Adrian was worth so much more.

He was worth somuch.

Eric tugged him towards the sofa, stumbling backwards in the dim light of a day about to surrender, night crawling across the sky. They fell together. Eric caught Adrian’s hands before they could reach for the button of his jeans, laced their fingers, mouths meeting in a gentle, unhurried slide.Enough.No destination beyond this moment.
