Page 82 of Amid Our Lines

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A couple of days later,Eric woke up to a message from Max, the preview starting with,‘Okay, so this is awkward.’

Ominous. Eric waited until Adrian was in the bathroom to open it.

‘Okay, so this is awkward. But we used to be mates, right? So, Lucas showed me your guy. And I happen to recognise him. Maybe you’re aware?’

It was obvious how much Max had struggled with this message, and Eric was surprised to find that it made him smile.‘Yes - I recognised him when I met him,’he wrote back, then put his phone away because experience suggested that Max wouldn’t be awake anytime soon, not unless Lucas had trained him into rising early.

True to Eric’s expectations, Max didn’t respond until later that morning—to be fair, the UK was an hour behind Switzerland.‘EE?’was all the message said.

It was a little funny to picture Max—famous Max Fina—on a tour bus, in his bunk with the curtains pulled, browsing ErosElite for some post-performance entertainment.


Eric didn’t send it quite yet. He glanced at Adrian, hopping on one foot to put on a sock as he grumbled about the floor being bloody freezing. “Do something, Eric! Where’s my hero when I need one?”

“Would you like me to get on my knees and help you put your socks on?” Eric inquired politely, biting down on a grin.

“That’d be nice.” Adrian gave a decisive nod. “My feet would still be cold, of course, but the view would be much better.”

“I sucked you off in the shower just now,” Eric told him. “Shouldn’t that tide you over for the next few hours?”

Adrian’s eyes widened, his expression pure as the untouched snow. “Who said anything about a blowjob? I was merely expressing my aesthetic appreciation for what you look like on your knees. Can’t a bloke make an innocent comment anymore without it being taken out of context?”

“You wouldn’t know the meaning of innocent if it gave you a lap dance.”

Adrian brought a fluttering hand to his chest. “Harsh.”

“Put your socks on,” Eric said with a laugh, and in a great show of maturity, Adrian stuck out his tongue. He finished getting dressed before he dashed out to relieve his dad at the reception desk, the clock inching closer to check-out time. Eric picked up his phone again.

‘Does it make us even,’he added to his unfinished message,‘that we’ve each seen the other’s guy naked?’

Too soon? It had been more than a bloody year, though.

Eric sent it.

‘I can’t believe you went there!’Max replied, quickly followed by a second message.‘Also, REALLY not the same although I can appreciate the humour in the situation. Just checking though - if Lucas and I drop by and it all goes viral, someone will probably dig deeper and recognise your guy. Did you think about that?’

No, Eric hadn’t. Shit.

‘Fuck, Max—I didn’t. I swear I wasn’t trying to damage your image.’

‘I know you weren’t, not unless you had a personality transplant. You’re a good guy, Eric.’Max was still typing, so Eric waited for the rest of the message.‘I’m just making sure you thought this through and he’s okay with the risk.’

Adrian had no idea about any of this. Eric was almost certain that Adrian wouldn’t give a fuck about what strangers on the internet thought about him, had probably learned to ignore the chatter during his active days on ErosElite—but a heads-up would still be prudent.

‘He’s not shy about it,’Eric wrote back.‘So I’m pretty sure he won’t care if it helps his hotel. I’ll check just to be sure. YOU don’t mind, though?’

‘Fuck no. If I lose a handful of fans because I happen to kiss my boyfriend in a hotel run by an ex-porn star? That’s not the kind of fans I want.’

It was quintessential Max.

‘Thank you, mate.’Eric stared at the words for a second, then sent them.

‘You’re welcome,’Max replied.‘Let me know if we should finalise the plan for the trip, okay?’

‘I’ll let you know by tonight.’

Max sent a thumbs-up in response.
