Page 18 of Elusive Surrender

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He smiles broadly. “I have quite a bit of work to do on the way back, but you’ll find lasagna, salad, sandwiches, cheese, and all kinds of stuff to eat for dinner in the refrigerator under the bar in the main cabin. The microwave is overhead, and there’s plenty of wine or whatever your preference is behind the bar, as well.”

I sense he’s anxious to get to work and shoo him away. “Go do your security stuff. I appreciate all your help today, but a babysitter is hardly necessary. I’m perfectly capable of keeping myself occupied for the next couple hours before I jump in the shower, curl up in that magnificent-looking bed, and get some much-needed sleep!”

“Your body’s still healing. Resting sounds like a good plan. Let me know if you need anything; otherwise, I’ll assume you’re good.” Nick remarks, heading to the security room.

I open one of the suitcases and finger through the assortment of beautiful silk and lace bras, panties, pajamas, shorties, and lacy nighties. My cheeks heat just thinking about the man who undoubtedly purchased all these things and the thought of trying them on just for him.

Chapter Seven


Alexisand I are going to happen. It may not be forever, especially if she isn’t compatible with the life, but I have to explore her desires, her compatibility, or if it’s one of those things I’ll regret for the rest of my life. Always wondering what could have been if only I’d given it a chance because as assertive and self-assured as she seems, her undeniably soft and submissive side tugs on my dominance with a magnetic hold that won’t let go.

As soon as I let Nick know that Alexis is coming to Italy, a barrage of bantering flies at me, which leads to some strategizing between the two of us. A womanizer he may be, but something tells me it’s a cover-up and that deep down he’s just looking for a perfect fit, a love of his own. Perhaps one day he’ll find it amid all the women who come in and out of his busy life.

I arrange a flight from New York to Italy for Alexis, Nick, and the crew, and then secure a suite for her next to my own when she arrives. She doesn’t have anything with her at the salon besides her purse. I don’t want her anywhere near her home with this guy running around on the streets, but we need her damn passport to get her out of the country. I text one of the security team who is still at her apartment building just to make sure the guy hasn’t figured out where the girls live, remembering from her dossier that she takes a daily multi-vitamin, a B complex supplement, and a birth control pill prescribed for irregularity and ask him to bring those too.

I pull up the shopping site we use for special needs. It comes in handy working with billionaires who request us to purchase lingerie, party dresses, and whatever else they need on a moment’s notice. I search through the site, and the excitement coursing through my veins at the thought of seeing Alexis again and wearing what I’ve selected is palpable. I hit the send button on the cart, prepared for the call I’ll undoubtedly get when almost immediately one of our personal shoppers, Deirdre, rings in.

“Sheldon, I just saw your order pop in. It’s been too long,” she purrs. I can almost envision her long, blood-red nails sliding over the cell phone as she speaks.

“It has indeed.” I don’t tell her we usually farm this job out to the newbies unless the items are for one of our own significant others and that this is one of those times. “Sorry for the urgent notice, but we have a jet headed to New Hampshire for a quick stop. Any chance I can get the items packed into a suitcase, even all the makeup and styling items?” I ask, hoping she can find everything that was on the list Alexis created too.

“We’ve got it covered but, darling, you’re going to need more than one suitcase for the items you’ve ordered. How long is the stay?”

“A week; perhaps a day or two longer than that.”

“Hmm, well, you’ll need a quarter of what you’ve ordered.” A saleswoman getting paid on a commission she is not, but one of the best shoppers in the business she is.

“I can’t talk long, but I’ll take it all. Just have it ready, and someone will pick it up.” I disconnect, avoiding what is usually a long, drawn-out, flirty goodbye on her end. I have other things pressing on my mind at the moment, specifically, the image of Alexis in every single sexy scrap of material I’ve selected. I want to peel them from her body one piece at a time, until she is completely bare for me. I shift in my seat to accommodate my cock’s growing girth. Damn if I don’t feel like a randy young schoolboy who thinks of nothing but sex whenever she’s nearby. I smile broadly because it’s been a long fucking time since I felt anything close to this type of attraction.

I’m still thinking about her in an extremely hot little state of undress when the men on the ground in New York report in. The fucker we’re looking for just showed up on camera at a local drugstore. I click on the link our intel department sent over and feel my entire body tense and my jaw lock into place. I focus in on those cold, lifeless eyes. Darwin F. Pierce may be a chameleon, but I’d recognize those eyes anywhere. He’s colored his shoulder-length hair, but our intel is the best in the business, and with their upgraded recognition technology, there’s nowhere a fucker can hide that we can’t find. The guy’s so sure of his disguise job that he didn’t even have the good sense to avoid the camera recording him from the corner of the pharmacy ceiling. “Got ya, asshole!”

I send a message to the entire team, instructing them to follow Darwin. If there’s something in his apartment that can help the police throw him behind bars again or lead us to any women he may have already taken, we don’t want to scare him away.

Then I send a message to Murphy at intel to let them know to stay with Darwin as long as he and his team can. While not all the streetlights are hooked up to the global cam systems yet, some of them may be, and I don’t want to lose this fucker if we can help it.

Murphy: We’ve got it all under control. Don’t you have something better to do?

I laugh. Murphy, one of our highly skilled intel agents, clearly needs no guidance from me. I sign onto the monitors overhead, which allow me to keep eyes on things inside the home and out, and see that Katarina and Chase are just retiring for the night.

I lean back in the leather desk chair and stretch, glancing at the wall clock for the time. It’s evening for Alexis, whose jet has just left the United States and is flying over the North Atlantic Ocean. I send a message to Nick to get an update on the flight and to see if he needs me to do anything for him and his crew when they land in Italy.

Nick: Nope, we have it all under control.

I read the reply and scowl. Not one mention of Alexis. I send a return message and wait for his answer.

Me: What is Alexis doing?

Nick: She’s in the shower.

I know for a fact the water in the jet's shower can be heard in the main cabin, and that he would have ensured all the security cameras are off in the suite, but I send a message just the same.

Me: You secured the cameras; she’s off the grid?

Nick: You have to ask? Of course, I did, asshole.

I laugh again. As much of a Casanova as our man Nick is, he never would have kept them on intentionally, but it’s not like the cameras haven’t been left on by accident, and no one sees Alexis bare except me. I envision kneeling between her legs, letting the water run over the two of us, and cleansing her myself, my way, thoroughly with my tongue.
