Page 4 of Knot Theirs

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It was the only clear thought in my head. A groan tore out of my throat as I struggled with the straps. Icouldn’t feel my fingers, and all my movements were clumsy.

A familiar, sexy voice came from behind me. “Oh, shit.”

Then an angel was kneeling by my side. She smelled like the sweetest flowers, her golden hair shining despite the overcast sky. I could sense that she was pulling off my waders, but I couldn’t feel much. Beautiful hazel eyes appeared above my face. Worried eyes.

“You’re huge, Ben. Can you stand? If you can get in my truck, there’s a backcountry cabin nearby. It’s gonna be okay, but we have to get you warm.”

I needed to do what the angel said. Whatever she wanted. I was barely conscious, but I knew one thing.

She was mine.



Fucking fuck.Fuck.

Ben was going down fast. There was no way he could feel much in his legs. His jeans were soaked, his breathing was ragged, and he was shaking from the cold.

And then he shocked the hell out of me. His startling, forest green eyes met mine with a fierce emotion that made my breath catch, and he rolled over and started to get to his feet.

It must have just happened. I had time if I could get him warm soon.

All my wilderness first aid training took over, along with a healthy amount of adrenaline. I hooked my arm around his waist to take some of his weight as he stood. Then I started to maneuver him toward my truck, parked a few steps away.

He had to be nearly six-and-a-half feet tall, and hewas heavy. My hand at his waist gripped solid muscle. Thank god he could walk. I was sturdy, but at five-foot-two, it would have been nearly impossible to move him myself.

Damn, he smelled good. Herbal and earthy.


An alpha.

He was in bad shape, and that overrode any caution I might have had. I swung open the passenger door and shoved him toward the seat. His movements were slow and stiff. It was taking every bit of energy he had to keep moving.

“Stay with me, big guy.”

He barely fit in the truck. I closed the door and ran to the other side, going over everything I needed to do in my head as I got behind the wheel and hit the accelerator.

A few cabins were scattered around the backcountry in the park—used by staff most of the year but rented to tourists during the off-season—and one was close by. I’d even restocked it last week. I knew where the blankets were. It would take me a minute to heat water, but there was cocoa mix. He needed something sweet and warm to drink.

“You’re going to be okay, Ben. Can you talk to me?” I darted a glance at his face, taking in his messy red hair, the dusting of freckles over his cheeks, and his full lips. My chest squeezed.

“Tracy,” he whispered. His speech was a littleslurred, his teeth chattering. Then he laughed. It sounded like he was drunk.

And fuck me if I didn’t blush at the deep timbre of his voice. Shit.

Pull it together, lady.

It took me five minutes to drive to the cabin, and in that amount of time, the snow was already starting to accumulate. I pulled up next to a nice SUV that was parked in front. Ben’s truck was still at the turnout by the creek, so it wasn’t his.

Maybe the place was rented out? It was late in the season for that. But someone was definitely there. I could make out two figures with dark hair moving around on the other side of the living room window.

Hopefully, they were friendly. Whoever was inside was about to be recruited to help me with my giant patient.


