Page 50 of Knot Theirs

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Tracy looked around at each of us and swallowed a big sip of wine. “Are you all doing this for me? I… I never asked you to?—”

“All of us were headed toward these choicesbefore we met you,” I said. “But I won’t deny that we want to be able to spend as much time with you as we can. We love you, Tracy.”

I’d said it before. We all had. But until earlier in the car, she’d never said it back. The others hadn’t heard it from her. I could see that she felt the weight of the moment.

“I love you all, too.”

Ben and Michael froze. The fork in Ben’s hand clinked as it hit his plate.

“And…?” I prompted.

She grinned at me. “And I want to bond with you. I want to be a part of the pack. Your omega.”

Ben looked between us in shock. “You knew?”

I nodded. “She told me in the car.”

Michael stood. “I don’t know what the fuck you two are doing still talking.”

He pulled Tracy up to standing and executed a perfect fireman’s carry, tossing her over his good shoulder. She shrieked and laughed as he carried her up the stairs.

Ben grumbled while I took another bite of Michael’s delicious pasta.

Before the night was over, she’d have all of our bond marks. I’d waited this long. I could wait a little longer.



Michael dropped me on my back, onto a huge bed in the middle of a bedroom I hadn’t seen before. I rose up on my elbows, still catching my breath from laughing, as he started to take off his shirt.

“What is…?” My voice trailed off as I got a good look at his chest. Under the warm light in the room, his bronze skin seemed to glow. I followed the movement of his biceps as he prowled closer to me. His cut abs rippled as he let out a quiet laugh.

“See something you like?” He smirked and waved a hand to gesture around the room. “We’ve been setting this up for a few weeks now. I’m glad it’s ready.”

They’d put together a master suite. The bed was enormous, covered in a simple but soft white comforter, with at least a dozen pillows arranged at the headboard. I noticed a door to a walk-in closet,and another door to a bathroom. Large oak dressers stood against the forest green walls. But then Michael filled my view, and I didn’t care about inspecting the room anymore.

From the minute I’d confessed my love to Griffin, I’d been wet. All the moments of tension downstairs had been like foreplay. I hadn’t taken a knot since my heat, and I was more than ready.

So was Michael.

I sat up and pulled off my shirt as he took off the rest of his clothes. My gaze went to his right arm as he moved.

He didn’t have any outward signs of injury at this point. It was only because I’d been helping him with physical therapy that I knew he was favoring his left side. I also knew that he took his recuperation very, very seriously. I could trust him not to push himself too far.

I’d still do my best not to aggravate anything. I breathed and let go of any lingering worries, giving myself permission to lean back and enjoy as I watched him undress. Then it was his knot that distracted me.

His cock was already sizable. With his knot swollen and full, it was a lot. I’d proven that I could take all of him during my heat, but I still paused at the sight of it now.

He started to stroke himself under my gaze. When I glanced up to his face, the look of hunger theremade my heart race. He must have noticed my hesitation.

“You fit me like a glove, omega. You’re gonna take me nice and deep while I mark you. Tell me again what you want.”

A shiver ran through me when he called me omega. Over the past month, the word had lost its power to make me flinch. Instead, coming from my alphas, it made me feel sexual and special. Tonight, I truly felt like I owned it. I loved hearing it.

“I want your mark, alpha. I want your knot.” My words came out as a whine.

Michael nodded, and when he spoke his voice was low and dark. “Take off the rest.”
