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Unlike most of the rides at the park, the line for the slide went quickly. Big groups of rodents went down together laughing, screaming, and hooting.

“You guys better hold onto me while we’re on the slide,” I said.

“We will,” Marcus squeezed my shoulder. “We have you.”

A few minutes later it was our turn. Warmth radiated from the water. When Shepard first brought up the idea of going to a water park in early spring I wasn’t sure it was such a good idea. Everything had to be too cold, right? Certainly, too cold for the water. Only the owner/operators of the park employed a magical filter that not only kept the water and rides clean, but at a comfy temperature for shifters.

A sigh escaped my lips as soon as the warm water splashed over my feet. I sat between Marcus and Fen after the ride manager explained that we didn’t really need to do anything special. The engineer had worked for over a decade tweaking the ride to make it safe even for the smallest kid. As long as we didn’t grab the side and jump off nothing bad could happen.

Still, I gripped onto the hands of my mates for dear life as we started down on our backs. Fen stared skyward grinning as big as I ever saw. Marcus closed his eyes giving into the slide. I just breathed as we picked up momentum. Laughter tickled the base of my throat as the water carried us down in a whoosh around the curves. The ride’s design did all the work and left my heart pounding.

“ME NEXT!”My wolf cried out in my ears as we landed in the water with a splash.

I came up, pulling the guys with me. Marcus pulled us both out of the way of the slide to make room for the next group to go down.

“Again?” Fen said.

“My wolf would kill me if he didn’t get to go down it!” I laughed.

Neither of them mentioned the fact that we’d have to climb back up the steps as we swam to the edge and climbed out. Following the rodents’ lead, we didn’t shift until it was almost our turn. The lecture was slightly different this time.

“You wolves weigh more or less the same in either form,” the old rat man said. “You though,” he looked at Marcus, “you see how we spin around a bit in places?” He pointed at the group going down the slide. “You might do that too. It’s not a problem for me, if it’s not a problem for you. It’s more fun that way, but it’s in the rules that we have to tell small mammals that it’s a possibility.”

Marcus nodded and the guy nodded back in the way that Alphas always did. Even in furry form the mannerism made me want to giggle. It was adorable. Maybe I was flying high on new love or maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through my veins, but I was on top of the world. At the tippy top of the slide it felt almost like a literal statement.

This time, we put Marcus between us. He zoomed down, pulled by water and gravity leaving us behind as we traveled nose first into the great unknown. Fen howled and rolled onto his back halfway down. I wasn’t brave enough to follow his lead. His tail wag splashing me with even more water.

At the bottom, Marcus was already shifted back into his human form and caught both of us in an arm as we splashed off the slide. He carried us over his shoulders out of the water, laughing.

We went down the slide one more time in our furry forms. This time ass first. The people at the top of the slide shrank and disappeared as the water carried us away. That time, I didn’t fear anything. That time I was free and in love and more than a little sure that everything was finally okay.

After the slide, we went on a few of the coasters, and rode the ferris wheel three times because Fen adored it. It offered a nice cozy view and being squeezed into one of the little carts with my guys was the best part. Around lunch time, we headed off to find the funnel cakes and ate our weight in fried foods. Most of the games were designed for rodents but a few were just big enough for Marcus to participate in while in his fox form. The one he was best at reminded me of a giant hamster wheel. The players climbed on while the workers spun it in a loop. The rodents clung to the wheel and each other trying to not get knocked off. If you stayed on for the whole minute you won tickets. I was sure Marcus was going to flop over with his head spinning after the first round, but he went back over and over until he had enough tickets to not only get those overstuff giant bears for me and Fen, but also a little fox kit plushie for Faran.

“How is your brain not exploding?” Fen laughed, as Marcus staggered over to us with his loot.

“It’s not as bad as it looks,” he laughed. “I’m only a little dizzy. I don’t think I’d play that game at any other park. Here, they want to stay on, but they want everyone else to stay on too. Anywhere else, I think people would try to knock each other off.”

A little boy ran up and hugged Marcus’s legs.

“Hey, buddy!” He laughed.

“Thank you for not letting me fall!” The little boy squeezed him tighter.

“You’re welcome! Did you win enough tickets?” Marcus asked, handing off the stuffies and squatting down.

“Almost!” He groaned.

“Here,” Marcus dug into his pockets and handed him the fistful of tickets left over from buying our prizes.

“Really?” The little boy’s green eyes grew to saucers.

“Really,” Marcus nodded and ruffled his hair.

“Thank you!” The little boy cheered. “MOM! I have enough tickets for the gerbil now!”

His parents came to hug us all thank you before we made our way back inside the resort for some real food.

The last few days of our stay passed like this. We’d have lazy mornings, sometimes making love, sometimes just lounging around together. Then we’d eat and go out to the park, testing other rides, and taking a few trips down the slide just for our daily adrenaline rush. Then we’d have fried food and then real food. Then we’d go back inside for showers and a nap. The evenings we spent cuddled together talking about the future until all the cuddling led to romping.
