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Fen sat in the corner, holding a sleeping Baby Faran to his chest. He yawned and leaned his head against the wall. I had offered that he could stay home, but he wouldn’t hear of it. If I was here and pregnant, so was he.

I barely heard Daniel explaining to Dara why Shepard kept biting him.

“It’s just like a blood transfusion between an Alpha and an omega,” Daniel sighed. “By consuming my blood, that can hold more magic, he has access to my strength too.”

“That really is fascinating,” Dara said.

“Be fascinated later,” Shepard said through gritted teeth. “I can’t think straight.”

He chomped down on Daniel’s arm again and Fen squeezed his eyes shut. I’d lived with Shepard for a long time and the live feeding didn’t make me squirm like it did some people.

“Fen, do you think you could go make up some of the blood shakes for after the baby comes?” I asked, giving him a way out of watching all the biting.

“Of course,” he said and tried to heft himself up.

The bathroom door opened, and I sighed in relief. Marcus stood there sweaty and clad just in his workout shorts. My heart leapt into my throat. Everything would be okay now. He helped Fen to his feet and took Baby Faran into his arms. He kissed Fen’s temple as he slipped out of the room.

“You’re pacing,”he said over our mating link as he nodded hello to his brother who sat behind Shepard in the tub.

“There’s nowhere comfortable to sit,”I brushed off his comment and hugged him.

I leaned into him as much as my full moon belly would allow. His strong body took on some of my weight and the pain that had nagged my back since I woke up eased.

“Are you sure that’s all it is?”Marcus cooed into my thoughts.

“It’s all it better be. Dara can’t handle both of us in labor.”

“I’m here. Ours wouldn’t be the first baby I delivered,”Marcus reminded me.“Daniel knows how too.”

“All you Alphas wanting babies,”I laughed, trying to chase away the concern in Marcus’s voice.

There was a tiny chance he was right. I didn’t want him to be, but the pangs in my lower back were awfully familiar.

“I’m going to lay Faran in with Norbert,” he whispered in my ear. “Just in case.”

His just in case was right even if I managed to sit on the side of the tub and hold Shepard’s hands in between contractions for a few minutes at a time. Everything happened all at once and later when I looked back it would be a blur tinged with red.

Dara urged Shepard to push and instead of arguing that he was he bit down into Daniel’s arm. I watched his fangs sink into his mate’s flesh as the warm gush of an incoming baby exploded between my legs.

“Bloody hell,” Dara whispered under his breath, but quickly composed himself.

“I got him, Dara,” Marcus said.

There was no going home or to the clinic. I wasn’t about to go anywhere once my water broke. My wolf dug his claws into my insides. It wasn’t safe to be in labor and wander the streets. It wasn’t safe to be in labor anywhere exposed.

“Irwin?” Shepard’s voice called after me as Marcus led me out of the bathroom.

“Shepard!” I panted as another pang twinged low and deep in my back.

“He’s okay,” Daniel and Marcus said at the same time.

And we were, in the most logical sense of the word.

“Look at me,” Marcus said, sliding a hand onto either side of my face. “Shepard’s okay. You’re okay. Our baby is going to share a birthday with their cousin.”

I smiled despite the confusion twirling around my thoughts and the pain pulling hard on my center of gravity.

“I still need to walk,” I told him, bending at the knees. “I can’t sit still.”
