Page 103 of Mate

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Slowing my pace, I transformed back into my human form. I spun around to see Caelum and Ry emerging from the shadows in their human forms as well, their wolfish grins betraying their amusement. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at them.

“Following me, gentlemen?” I quirked a sardonic smile.

“You were supposed to be in class today, weren’t you, little queen?” Ry quipped, his smile growing wider by the second.

“It’s just Hunter’s. I can download the power point later, and I’ll be just fine,” I retorted, immediately on the defensive.

“Naughty mate,” Caelum purred, and my stomach cinched tight. I’d seen that look before, and both times it had ended up with my ass bright red and extremely sore.

“Come here,” Ry growled.

I took a step back.

“Don’t,” Caelum warned, his expression hardening with the dangerous kind of sternness that preceded me getting spanked.

Whatever. I was a badass queen bitch. I didn’t get spanked anymore.

Instead, I snarled back in return and backed up several more steps.

“We’re warning you, our little queen. If you run, we’re going to have to remind you of your place, and we’re not going to be gentle,” Ry warned, and I looked at him like he had grown two heads.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I growled, and Caelum grinned so wide I thought his face would split in two.

“Who’s your alpha?” he pressed, and I snarled openly at him, not caring that I was probably digging my own grave. My wolf told me that I could run fast and that I couldprobablyoutrun the two of them because I was such a little badass.

Honestly, it seemed legit.

Caelum’s grin widened, a mischievous spark in his eyes. “I think she needs a little reminder, Ry. Her wolfdefinitelydoes.”

Before I could react, Ry lunged at me with surprising speed. He tackled me to the ground, his strength undeniable. We wrestled in the mud and leaves, my wolf’s instincts coming to the forefront as I fought to break free. But Ry was relentless, and he knew just how to subdue me without hurting me.

Caelum watched with a smirk, ready to step in if he needed to. I transformed back into my wolf form somewhere in the scuffle, as did Ry. Soon enough, the two of us were a blur of fur and teeth, but I didn’t give up.

With full determination, I broke free from Ry’s grasp, the mud and leaves clinging to my fur as I darted away. My heart raced with exhilaration, the chase now in full swing. I could hear the powerful thud of their paws behind me, and the thrill of the pursuit sent a rush of adrenaline through my veins.

The wind rustled through the trees as I weaved through the dense underbrush, my senses heightened by the chase. Caelum’s deep growl and Ry’s powerful strides pushed me to run faster.

“Ow, fuck!”I heard Ry snap at Caelum behind me, probably after tripping over something. “I forgot she used to fucking run track!”

My instincts guided me, leading me through the winding paths of the swamp. The scent of earth and the cool, moist air filled my nostrils as I embraced the freedom of the chase. I leaped over fallen logs and splashed through shallow creeks, my agility making me jump with ease.

Ry’s voice echoed through the woods, commanding me to slow down, but I ignored his demands, my heart pounding in my chest. The power of my wolf surged through me, and for a moment, I felt truly wild and untamed. The chase continued, an electrifying dance between predator and prey, and I pushed on.

“Keep running, little wolf, and your punishment is only going to be worse,”Caelum threatened, which only made me lunge like I was a shopper trying to grab the last television at a black Friday opening sale.

With astonishing speed, they closed in on me, and before I could react, strong jaws clamped around the scruff of my neck. I let out a surprised yelp as I was brought to an abrupt stop, the force of their grip restraining me. I struggled, but their combined strength easily held me in place.

The forest fell into a momentary silence as I lay there, pinned beneath them, my chest heaving. I could feel their hot breath against my fur, and the weight of their bodies pressed down on me. The tension in the air was palpable as I squirmed, but it was futile.

I was completely at their mercy.

Ry’s deep voice rumbled with authority as he spoke, his words a stern reminder of our roles.“We told you not to run, Kaci.”

Caelum’s grip on my scruff tightened slightly, his voice filled with a mixture of affection and dominance. “You need to remember who we are, little queen.”

“We’re going to take great pleasure in punishing you, sweet cheeks,”Ry rumbled, the sound of his desire obvious with every single syllable.

With a final burst of energy, I shifted back into my human form, my breath ragged as I lay there on the forest floor. Moments later, the familiar feeling of warmth and energy washed over me as Ry and Caelum shifted back as well. They stood up on either side of me, their human forms towering over mine.
