Page 48 of Mate

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“I have to admit,” she began thoughtfully, her voice carrying a note of bewilderment, “I don’t rightly know where this book came from. I don’t sell books like this in my shop.Merde, it’s even missin’ dem pages. Dis book is old as hell.”

Caelum and Ry exchanged a glance, the two of them clearly not believing her, but they didn’t say anything to argue against it. Their gazes hardened, flashing back and forth to Samael before Caelum shook his head, and Ry dropped it.

Little Mama sighed, her gaze returning to the spell book as if it held secrets she couldn’t unravel. “It’s a peculiar thing, this book. It’s from an old coven. But… how it ended up here is a mystery. Maybe it came to you for a reason.”

“Yeah, to fuckin’ torture us,” Ry muttered.

“If there was a way, I’d help you, you know I would,” Little Mama added.

Caelum’s face softened just a hair.

Samael seemed weary of this interaction at first. The light flickered slightly. “Now if you don’t mind, Little Mama and I need to have a talk about what counts as visitors,” he grumbled, and I could have sworn she turned beet red.

“They can stay a little longer, Sam. I made beignets,” she tried. She smiled brightly and flounced towards us. A little dusty trail of powdered sugar trailed behind her.

“No. It’s time for them to go,” Samael replied, and Caelum nodded once. Ry glowered beside him, but his gaze wasn’t on her anymore. It was firmly locked on me.

“I agree. I think ourmateis in need of a discussion all of her own,” Caelum said, his gaze sliding towards me.

I shivered and took a step back.

“I wouldn’t run, if I were you,” a black cat yowled from one of the shelves above my head.

I started, staring at it like it had two heads.

“Running from Lycans always makes things worse. They love a chase.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I breathed, shaking my head.A talking cat too?



The ride back to their mansion was silent. They both had weary expressions on their faces like they couldn’t believe they had to deal with this sort of bullshit, and I didn’t want to say anything to dig myself a deeper hole than I’d already dug. I chewed the inside of my cheek to make sure I didn’t say anything that was going to get me spanked. Or spanked harder. I was pretty sure I was already going to get spanked.

I started to feel annoyed for the hundredth time that day that I was in this situation at all. These guys weren’t even my boyfriends. And even if they were, I shouldn’t feel nervous about being spanked. At most, I should be dreading the possibility of a shouting match where doors get slammed.

The only rule they seemed to have was that when they gave me an order like, ‘Stay still’ or ‘Don’t leave’, they expected me to do it. If I didn’t follow it, they felt it was their right to punish me. It didn’t matter what I thought, what the world thought—they weren’t in my world. I was in theirs now.

And I had disobeyed an order.

When they pulled into the long driveway, Caelum sighed, and my stomach twisted into knots. For the moment, I was sitting in the back seat searching his face for any kind of hint as to what was on his mind, and I got the sudden feeling that this wasn’t going to turn out great for me.

“Kaci, you’re to go upstairs and wait for me in your room,” he said, his tone firmly resolute.

“We’re going to have to deal with this together,” I replied, unable to hide the snark from my voice. His brow furrowed with frustration, and I slid along the seat that was closer to Ry’s. Right now, he seemed like the safer bet.

Caelum felt dangerous.

“You’re not going anywhere, Kaci. You and I are going to discuss the importance of doing what you’re told, and then after I’m through with you, Ry is going to have a chance to talk to you, too. Now, go upstairs,” he demanded, his voice far too stern for my liking.

The knots in my stomach twisted tighter.

“Whatever,” I muttered, opening the door and climbing out. I slammed it as hard as I could and stomped inside. I didn’t care that I came off like a brat, because right now, I was pretty certain that I was being sent to my room to wait for the big bad alpha to come upstairs and spank me before his beta came upstairs and did the same damn thing.

My clit throbbed to life like a fucking goddamn traitor.

What was wrong with me? Why was I aroused right now?
