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“You have three boyfriends?” Valerie, another trainer, screeches from the doorway. “Do you know what the single man to single woman ratio is in this city, and you’re hogging three?”

“It’s just temporary.” And I don’t dare tell her they’re all rich and gorgeous.

“You’re dumping them?”

I roll my eyes and decide I don’t give a fuck.

Turning to her, I say, “No. I auctioned myself to pay for Michael’s legal fees.”

“Where...” Valerie’s jaw drops. “Where did you auction yourself?”

“I had to sign an NDA. I’m sorry.” I shrug.

“Bitch,” she mutters, taking her dog, Lou-Ann, a yellow lab, and stomps away.

“She’s kidding,” Zara defends her. “I think.”

“I don’t care.” I wave a hand in protest.

“What’s wrong?” Zara asks, cupping my shoulder.

“I went back to the office after you left on Friday.Emery and I fooled around. But he had to leave.” I sniff, not understanding why this is bothering me. “His ex is with him this weekend. Parents weekend for his daughter. He said he’d call me. But he didn’t.” I’d held my phone all night, waiting for it to buzz.

My God, the feel of Emery’s mouth on my pussy still rattles me. I can’t stop thinking about it. And him.

“But you live with a hottie who fucked you senseless. The other is taking you out tonight. I agree with Valerie. You’re a bitch.” Zara laughs.

“Ash and Ford have their own thing. I don’t want to get in the way. Even though Ford thinks I’m their glue, I’m the irregular clog that will mess things up for Ash who doesn’t want to live openly. Being with Emery seems the least complicated since it’s just us, but he’s not looking for anything permanent. Like me.”

He doesn’t do relationships and may never get married again.

I’d like to be married. I want babies.

“What’s tonight’s fancy event?” Zara asks to change the subject, prompting me to think about Ash.

But a wave of exhaustion hits me. I don’t think I can go another round with him and Ford.

“A private classical concert at Cassidy Hall. I have to get to Brooklyn to pick up the rest of the dresses I’ll need this month.”

It uplifts me to think about seeing Victoria.

“Maverick is all set.” Zara checks the big clock on the wall. “Get out of here.”

“Thanks.” I give her a hug and another one for Mav. “Think about my offer, Prince Maverick.”

Out on the street, I mentally map out all the trains I need to get to Brooklyn, then say fuck it, and order an Uber.

The fall sun dapples through the trees that line the street of Victorias’s warehouse.

My steps halt, seeing her husband, Theo, coming out a steel door that says Holden Couture HQ. He’s carrying a toddler in a pink sweater and walking behind a little boy on a scooter.

The kid takes off down the sidewalk.

Racing right for me. Fast. Too fast.

I watch him wobble and dash to catch him.

“Whoa! I got you.”
