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“Other part?”

“Emery won. Officially.” Ashton smiles at me. “Butyou’re mine too this month. We’re sharing you.”

“Sharing?” I say and must sound nervous because Ford puts down his flute.

“Not like that,” Ford says, unequivocally.

“So...what, then?”

“I can use a personal assistant at work,” Emery says. “Mine is on maternity leave. It’s not a hard job. I have other executive assistants who handle business-related work. My personal assistant takes care of me.”

“Can you elaborate?” I worry what ‘taking care of him’ at the office includes.

“Coffee. Lunch reservations. Other small errands.”

I hang on every word, waiting for blow jobs under the desk, but he stops at administrative duties. “Sounds...easy.”

And safe.

“You look highly intelligent. Ford says you’re a designer.”

“I am.”

“I look forward to hearing more about that.” Emery’s hand lands on my thigh, the heat coming off him has my heart pounding.

He appears sincere and my stomach feels like butterflies have hatched when our eyes fully connect.

“Ashton needs someone to accompany him to several fundraisers this month,” Ford adds to break the spell.

I tear my gaze away from Emery to ask Ashton, “What kind of fundraisers?”

He leans back with a wide grin. “I’m opening a surgery center for low-income kids without insurance.”


“Having the right woman on my arm isimportant.”

“During the day, you’ll work with Emery and at night you’ll be with Ashton,” Ford explains.

“Every day?” I ask. “Every night?”

“No. Not every night.” Ashton squeezes my hand. “I’ll get you the schedule. And I’m sure, Emery here can get his own coffee on those days so you’re not working around the clock.”

I turn to Emery and catch him shaking a glare away, but smiles again at me.

Both men have moved in closer and the energy around us is palpable.

“Do you have gowns?” Ashton asks. “If not, I’ll take you shopping. Buy you whatever you want.”

I sneak a look at Ford, who sits back and watches. It’s like he didn’t anticipate this part. That I would be fawned over and lavished by his friends.

I can’t tell if he likes it or is jealous.

“I honestly don’t have a gown, let alone several. I assume I can’t wear the same one twice.”

“Heaven forbid,” Ashton purrs. “Let me have your number and we’ll set something up right away. We have a fundraiser this Saturday night.”

Saturday. This feels too real, and I lose my breath.
