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“No risk, no reward. I’m proud of you for not taking the easy route. It sounds like something you’re passionate about.”

“I am.” Most design students have a personal reason for the niches they specialize in. But I don’t say more, like how my fuller figure drives my passion. I don’t want to draw attention to my weight.

Ash pulls up to a store, and I sigh.Thisis going to be a problem.

I know this shop. Holden Couture has gorgeous dresses, but they don’t really carry my size. Most high-end shops don’t.

Sure, I can squeeze into something, but...

Just ‘cause it zips, doesn’t mean it fits...

We get inside, and the gorgeous shop with plush carpet and sparkling chandeliers takes my breath away. God, to have my own actual store is too much to dream about.

“Ashton Ives,” a woman, who’s nearly as tall as him and so thin I can practically see through her, floats our way.

Friends call him Ash.

This woman doesn’t even look at me.

The brain tells people like her that I’m invisible because I’m not a size 0. It happens in a fraction of a second. Especially someone like her, who probably, blows off people for fun.

I finger my neck, feeling exposed from my hair being up in a large banana clip.

My shoulders are on display. My very wide shoulders.

“Charmaine.” Ash’s hand curls around my waist making me jump. “Hey, baby. It’s just me.”

He brushes his lips on my cheek. His hand feels nice, and he smells amazing. He’s so tall, I feel slender next to him.

Ash’s display of affection crash lands on the woman by the way her judging eyes narrow on me.

“This is Bernie,” Ash says.

Her fake smile makes me suspect she’s the type of person who’d use my nickname to make fun of me.

Sometimes it’s about being the more mature person, though.

I reach out to shake this woman’s hand because I plan to be a force in this business. I want her to remember me.

“Bernadette Armstrong. I’m a fashion designer. I’ll be working on a new line for Stella Raven Designs in L.A.”

“Never heard of it.” Her nose twitches. “L.A. and New York City fashion are night and day. You’ll have to learn that.”

“I graduated FIDM, I know what I’m doing.” I look around. “Right now, I need a gown.”

“What size are you?” She folds her arms.

My heart starts to pound, and when I tell her, she dips her head back and laughs.

“Do you seriously think we have—”

“Excuse me?” Ash steps in front of me. “Are you insulting her? How many women have I brought in here for dresses, and you treat her like this? Where’s Victoria?”

Catching Charmaine stumble on her words is delicious, but Ash mentioning all the women he brings in here, all the women he buys dresses for, sickens me.

I know this is a business arrangement, but he’s been so nice to me. He brought me here himself when he could have just arranged for me to meet with a personal shopper.

A pang in my chest has me rubbing my heart. It’s silly, but I’m a little hurt.
