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“He’s a jerk.” I swear under my breath. “I hope you understand, even though you’re paying me, I can’t break privilege and tell you details about the case.”

“Even though we just had sex?”

“Yes.” I close my eyes, feeling like a slimy shark.

She laughs. “I understand. I really don’t care about his case. And I don’t care about him at all. I just want my designs.”

Not looking for a response, she takes our dishes and puts them into the sink.

“Leave them. Nell will get them in the morning.”

Nodding, she rinses her hands and then turns around.

We stand there on opposite sides of my kitchen island, and all I want to do is take her into my bed and fuck her all night. Then sext Ashton.

I’ve gone too far already for one night.



Iwake up Saturday to an empty apartment. And a throbbing between my thighs that has me walking funny at first.

The orgasm Ford gave me, the food, and the fabulous wine knocked me out the minute my head hit the pillow.

Brushing my teeth, I avoid my gaze in the mirror, not wanting to hear a voice telling me I shouldn’t have slept with Ford.

But why not? It’s just temporary. And it was freaking fantastic.

In the kitchen, Ford left me a yellow sticky on the fridge that says he has clients to meet today and that Nell took the morning off.

The sink is clear and sparkling, so he must have cleaned up from last night.

Feel free to snoop, he ended the cute note.

I walk freely around the apartment, noticing the leather-bound books, rich upholstery, the sleek wood cabinetry, and just admire the beautiful things that make up Ford’s personal space.

As different as it is from my real life, I feel like I belong here for some strange reason.

I don’t feel out of place. It’s as if I’ve been here before. Comfort flows through me from everything I touch.

And snoop. But someone like Forddoesn’t keep secrets. He’s the most over-the-top, open, and unapologetic man I’ve ever met.

With hours to fill, I dress and spend the day at the Guide Dog Institute, cleaning cages, bathing puppies, and getting kisses. I’m teethed on a few times, too. But I don’t mind.

With Zara having the day off, I was glad I made that call to fill her in. Or I’d be on edge, wanting to spill what happened.

This time, when I return to Ford’s building, a pleasant doorman I don’t recognize tips his hat to me, opening the door.

“Good evening, Miss Armstrong.”

My name. Nice touch.

“Thank you.” I give him a smile and pray he wasn’t threatened to be nice to me.

Disappointment hangs like a cloud over my head when I realize Ford isn’t home yet. I eat a small late lunch Nell left for me and then get ready for my first date with Ash.

I’ve kissed EmeryandFord. Slept with Ford. But only got a peck on the cheek from Ashton.
