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“Ford and Ashton. They’re...”

“I know they had a thing going on.”

Emery exhales, suggesting he’s thankful he’s not the one to divulge their secret.

“I know you and Ash bought me under duress as a favor to Ford.” I finger my necklace.

“Ford asked Ash to buy you, not me. As soon as I saw you, I wanted you. I don’t walk away from something I want.”

“That’s just it. You hold the cards. I’ve never done this before. Anything like this.” I worry I’m playing with these powerful men, and it could horribly backfire. “This isn’t me. This sex kitten you’re teasing with a saucer of milk. I’m just caught up. I thought you liked me. At the art store, we got along so well, you were so patient when I had my attack, and then Saturday night...”

“I do like you, Bernadette.” He helps me out of the chair. “Very much. And that terrifies me. Thisisdifferent. And clearly, I’m not the one calling the shots.”

“Ford thought he was protecting me by saying you and Ash can’t sleep with me. I trust you. And him. All three of you. Now that we’ve spent some time together, I consent to whatever you want.” I go to kneel. “If you want me on my knees in your house, waiting for you—”

“No.” He grips my arms and presses his wet lips against my forehead. “That feels utterly hollow with you. Plus, I need you here. Ineedmy gatekeeper.” He strokes my cheek.

“Let’s have fun and role-play. You’re the grumpy boss, and I’m your sexy assistant. But I’m off-limits.”

“And I’ll be putting everything on the line just to sink my cock into your heat.” He grins. “That does sound more appealing than a woman just waiting for me.”

“You said you like it when I challenge you. I like that, too. You want to be brutal, then fight for me.” I straighten his tie. Noticing the time, I say, “Now, is there anything special I need to know about the phones or the computer?”

“No. It’s pretty straightforward.” He takes my hand and brings me to my desk outside of his office. “My schedule should come up as your wallpaper. That’s how Felicity had it. Sloane keeps it updated now, but I’ll have her show you.”

I sit, and after entering the password he gives me, sure enough, Emery’s schedule flashes on the screen. His days are filled with nearly back-to-back meetings. He’s not a spoiled, rich billionaire sitting around all day looking at the sky.

“For these meetings in the boardroom,” I point to the color-coded list, “You want me to go with you?”

“Yes.” He leans over me and whispers in my ear. “Try to look like you adore me and make everyone jealous as hell.”

Winking, he strides back to his office and closes the door.

“I’m halfway there...”

IT’S CLEAR AS THE WEEKprogresses that Emery keeps his ‘prizes’ locked up all day to go home and fuck them because he has a brutal work schedule. Many of his meetings are in the labs that take up several floors in Tower 2. I had to wear a hazmat suit every day—the least sexy thing ever.

Preparing for an important meeting with a Swiss R&D group, Emery worked late hours, each day telling me to leave by four p.m.

By Friday, I’m exhausted.

And frustrated.

Despite the promise of intense desk chasing or laying me out on the leather sofa during the day to eat me until I scream his name, Emery has been all business all week.

I’m regretting I didn’t take the kneeling all day at home with a wet cunt option. I’d get some good sex out of this arrangement.

At least I get to gawk at him every day.

In those dark bespoke suits, he’s devastatingly handsome. With his jacket and tie off, the casual look works nearly as much. Don’t get me started on how hot he looks in the freaking hazmat suit.

After his workouts in the private company gym, I wanted to lick the sweat on his brow or catch the trickle down the side of his gorgeous face. His wet hair from showering gets even darker, making me crazy. He’s breathtaking, smart, and charming.

His limo waits for me every afternoon, but instead of going home to Ford’s empty apartment, I asked the driver to take me to the Guide Dog Institute for an hour or two of puppy pampering.

Even though I tell the driver to leave, theMrAustinmobile doesn’t.

When I’m good and soaked from the baths and covered from head to toe in dog hair, the driver takes me home to Ford’s apartment where I devour those meals Nell leaves in the refrigerator.
