Page 155 of Spur It On

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"You're the one that's been sleeping alone," he shot back. "Or maybe you wish you were in there, waving your dick around with two others in the room? Fucking disgusting."

"Scared another man might show you up? Both inches aren't enough to be impressive?" I taunted. "Jesus, Eli. Who cares what's going on with them?"

"I do!"

"And I don't want some idiot like you making decisions on who the rest of us fuck," I snapped. "I'm so damned sick of this shit. Just leave Cody alone, ok?"

"She’s the one who fucked up," Eli growled. "She could've packed her shit and gone home like a good girl. She should've taken a hint. Now? Well, she seems to think she's all that, and J.D.'s head is so far up her ass that he has no clue what's going on anymore."

"And whatisgoing on?" I asked.

Which made Eli's face change into a cruel smile. "J.D. is sucking dick. Tanner's taking it up the ass. Cody's a little whore, selling herself out to the highest bidder. Once all that shit comes out, how long do you think the PBR is going to welcome them on tour, hm? This sport has a reputation to uphold and all that shit. And you know what? Once they're gone?" He laughed. "I'll have a clear path right to finals. Ain't like any of the rest of ya will hold me back."

I hit him in the shoulder, forcing him back. "That's not how it's going to fucking work," I snarled, "because you forgot one thing. Me. If you think I'm going to leave you to have easy street, then you're the idiot. Go ahead, Eli, start shit, because I will be there to finish it."

"She fucked you over, Ty," he ranted. "She's the reason J.D. put his fist in your face."

"I'mthe reason that happened," I spat. "I also don't care if you think screwing over the whole tour is going to put you on easy street. I'll make damned sure it never happens. If I have to step up, Eli, then you watch me."

"You don't know how," he taunted.

I just canted my head and stepped back. "Keep telling yourself that, dumbass. I made a bet with a girl, and I have every intention of winning it. If that means I need to knock you down a few pegs - and every other asshole in the PBR along with you - then I will. I'm not about to let you and your idiot friends fuck this up for me, you hear me?"

"Try it," Eli dared me.

I laughed once. "That's the thing. I am. Maybe having a woman in the PBR has you running scared, but she's the reason I'm finally taking this shit seriously. And you watch me ride, motherfucker. Just watch, because if you think she's got your balls sucking up, just wait to see what happens when I stop fucking around."

Then I turned and headed for the elevator, not giving that asshole the chance to say anything else. I heard him huff, but it seemed he hadn't seen my response coming. Yeah, well, too bad for him - a little fighting was exactly what I needed right now, and the kind of fighting that Cody might actually approve of.

Because maybe, just maybe, if I could get my shit together, then she might even give me a second chance. I just had to prove I was the kind of man who actually deserved it.
