Page 7 of Spur It On

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"I don't know how to fight," she admitted. "Don't get me wrong, I can take care of myself, but I've never been in a fistfight like that. Or a bottle fight! I'm not sure I'd know what to do."

I let my hand slide over her smooth leg one more time, tugging them both even higher. "Neither do they, Cody. Neither do they. All ya gotta do is treat 'em like a bull. Yell real loud, flail your hands a bit, and no matter what happens, do not run away. And if they get too close?"

"Tap 'em in the head?" she asked, clearly knowing exactly how the bullfighters worked.

"Yeah. With your fist, Cody. Not your riding arm, though."

"Nope," she said around a laugh. "I'm right-handed. I just ride with my left because I kept messing up my right."

"That's my girl," I praised. "I'm gonna make you a smaller, sexier version of me. Just wait."

"And that," she teased, "is why I'm wearing black and pink? Because it's like J.D. light?"

The laugh that burst from my mouth was a little too loud, because she had a point. "Yeah, I like that. We're gonna win this year, you know that? Me and you? We're gonna clean up, and I'm gonna teach you everything I know."

"And next year," she decided, "I'll be the one winning at Finals."

I murmured my agreement, but in my head, I was counting up her points. She wasn't as far behind as she thought, and while she definitely wouldn't win every event - no one did, and I wasn't about to make it easy on her - she had a chance. Most riders could win one weekend and come in dead last the next.

Not Cody. Nope. This girl was gonna hit the top five every single time. She just rode too good for anything else. She was too consistent, too stable, and much too driven for anything else. That was why I liked her. She rode hard because she didn't have any other choice. This sweet, innocent little lady riding shotgun in my truck had no fucking clue how good she was, but me? Yeah, I was gonna make sure she never had a reason to doubt it.

I was gonna make her the next legend in the PBR.


Seven hoursalone in my truck was way too much time to think. When I'd talked Cody into coming to St. Louis for the PBR event, I'd expected her to ride to Cheyenne with me. Yeah, she'd sat beside me for the first day, but that made the long hours feel even more empty today, and the silence had my brain working a little too hard.

Even worse, my best friend was taking a week off from the tour. Hannah's pregnancy was far enough along now that her doctors didn't want her traveling anymore. Even our sports medicine doctor, Doc Stephens, agreed it was too risky - which pissed Hannah off. But she wanted to do the best for their baby, so Renato was making sure she'd be comfortable back at his ranch in Texas while he'd be flying to each of our events.

My problem was that I didn't want to bother him. Having a kid on the way was a little more important than my issues. Still, I wasn't real sure how to handle this mess with Cody. She and J.D. got along a little too well. Tanner had just stepped up to take the stage as her official boyfriend. Granted, having one bullfighter on her side meant she'd have all three of them.

All weekend long, I'd been faking my ass off. I told her I was fine with this. I made it clear I had my own kinks, and she'd accepted that. Worse, the whole reason she was with Tanner was because she'd thought he was gay, only to find out he was bisexual - or something. I hadn't really asked the guy what term he preferred to use. All I knew was that he was a switch-hitter, had his eye on my girl, and I'd told her I was down for this.

The truth was I was scared shitless.

Yeah, I was fine with people dating whoever they wanted. Gay, bi, ace, poly, or any of the others in that LGBTQ acronym? Yep, all good. Didn't bother me none. Having to compete with two other guys for her attention? That changed all the rules - mostly because I wasn't quite sure what I had to offer her.

Still, J.D. had called my ass out for trying to claim her, and he was right. More than that, I actuallylikedher. Not in a fuck her and leave her sorta way either. Nah, I honestly enjoyed talking to that girl. I liked having her at my side at the events. That one day last week when I'd seen her in her own stomping grounds? It had been amazing.

But Tanner was a damned good bullfighter. That guy had been earning a name for himself with his crazy saves this year. I couldn't count how many wrecks he'd prevented, or how many more he'd kept from getting worse. Bulls had thrown him into the air, the stands, and definitely the dirt more times than I could count.

J.D., on the other hand, was the best bull rider in the PBR right now. He'd been on this merry-go-round for almost nine years, and five of them, he'd been the one taking home the big check at the end of the year. He probably had a whole drawer filled with those coveted gold buckles that named him the World Champion. I was still trying to earn just one of my own.

But how was I supposed to compete with that? I was just Ty McBride, the playboy of the PBR. For almost five years now, I'd taken home a different girl every night - and never talked to her again. Yeah, I had a reputation, but it wasn't for riding bulls. It was for riding the buckle bunnies.

When it had been just me and J.D., this whole arrangement had sounded like a pretty sweet deal. I'd get to enjoy a little live porn while I got off, and she'd get to feel like she was being bad. I knew J.D. was wild, so it wouldn't take long before Cody realized it too. Then, along came Tanner.

Now, I was starting to second-guess everything. This, us, some kind of fucked-up polyamorous relationship, and that pretty little girl from Missouri taking up the spotlight every weekend. The whole idea of us just making this all work sounded great.

Unfortunately, reality never worked out like that.

About an hour outside Cheyenne, I stopped to fill up my truck, knowing I'd be using it a bit this weekend. As the meter kept ticking higher, my phone vibrated in my pocket with a text. Hoping it was Cody, I was swiping and reading just a little too fast. Sadly, she hadn't sent it. Instead, this was from J.D.


No suites. Got a set of attached rooms, though. Front desk has a key for you.

