Page 10 of Jump Back On

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Not caring where it went, I tossed his shirt away, then stepped even closer, guiding him to the bed. The room wasn't exactly big, so one more step was all it took before the back of his knees found the mattress - but he didn't drop down onto it. Instead, he leaned back to meet my eyes.

"Cody? What are we doing?"

I slid my hands over his chest. "I don't know, but we sure aren't stopping," I breathed.

I had just enough time to see a smile flicker over his lips before he pulled me down onto the bed with him. "Move up there," he said, jerking his head towards the pillows. "Ain't no way I'm throwin' ya."

Oh, but getting tossed around sounded pretty sexy. He also had a point. I was too sore to even try that. Still, I scooted up and he followed, moving in to lean over me so he could kiss me again. This time, it was softer. Deeper.


Reaching up, I pushed my fingers into his dark hair. It felt like silk against my hand. The strands didn't tangle. They just slipped through as perfectly as his tongue between my teeth. My other hand found his back, and I decided to just stop thinking.

I gave in, letting this - whatever this was - happen. J.D. didn't try to get his mouth all over my body the way Ty had. He didn't try to impress me like Tanner had. No, he savored me, taking his time about each and every touch, even pulling back so he could see my face. His eyes always found mine first.

"You ok?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I hurt a lot less today."

Then he lifted a hand to caress the line of my cheekbone. "Fuck, but you're a damned gorgeous woman." And he kissed me again.

Butterflies took off inside me. I couldn't remember the last time it had happened. I'd outgrown that, hadn't I? I knew what men wanted, and I'd finally figured out it was ok for me to want it too, but this was different. This was... better. So much better.

This felt like those daydreams I'd had as a teenager. This felt like something that should be in a movie. This felt like a fantasy I'd slipped and fallen into, and I never wanted to leave, because J.D. was kissing me. Not my body. Not some willing woman. He was kissing me because he wantedme.

My hands slid down his back. When I reached his belt, I followed it all the way around to the front. The whole time, J.D. kissed me. My face, my mouth, my neck. He took his slow, sweet time about it, making me lean into every brush of his lips across my skin, but my hands finally found his belt buckle.

A little twist and a pull popped it open. A yank got it out of the way. My fingers found the button of his jeans, but he dropped a hand, stopping me.

"Cody, I don't need you to fuck me to prove anything," he said, his voice deep and rough in a way I really wanted to hear more of.

"You're not him," I agreed. "Doesn't mean I shouldn't chase what I want, right?"

His eyes dropped to my lips. "Me?"

"Yeah, J.D. I want you."

He leaned back just a bit more, scanning every feature of my face. "Doc said my test was clean."

"Mine too, and I'm on birth control."

"And you're sure?" he asked again. "Because I'm not here to use you. You're my best fucking friend, Cody."

"Just a friend?"

For a long moment, he stared into my eyes, the darkness in his so hard to read. "Fuck no," he breathed before leaning in and finding my mouth again.

Oh, the way he said that made my toes want to curl. It sounded like a promise. Like something I'd always wanted and had never known to ask for. J.D.'s answer felt like it meant something real fucking big, and I liked it more than I'd expected.

So I popped that button open and pulled. The zipper slipped down. Without pulling his mouth from mine, J.D. pushed at his pants, shoving them as far down as he could. My hand followed, tracing his spine, the dip in it, and the swell of his very amazing ass. Then I grabbed.

"Fuck this," he mumbled before flopping down beside me and shoving the last of his clothes off in a single push.

His pants clanked as they hit the floor. Probably his belt buckle, but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to see all of this man. Ever since he'd sent me the first picture of his tattoos, I'd been dying for one more look, then another after. I had a feeling I'd never be able to get enough.

Because he was gorgeous. The ink across his chest was mostly black, but bright colors showed up in a few places. It also didn't stop where his jeans started. Nope, there were those crescent moons on his hip, a bucking bull on his thigh, and a flying bird in the space between them.

Then there was the long, hard, and thick dick of his daring me to look at it. I did, aware the hair around it was real short. The kind that only barely counted as being there. It also made me want to touch it, so I reached out, trailing my fingers from his navel to the prize I really wanted.
