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Good luck.


And I will help if you need it. No questions asked. Think of it as me making up for being a dumb shit in Cheyenne.


I'll ask if I need it.

Because that wasallI was going to promise. Someone was out to get the three of us, one way or another. I didn't know if it was the same person, a group of them, or different ones who had nothing to do with each other. It also didn't matter.

This shit sucked. Somehow, I had to un-fuck it. The first step of that was making sure I looked good enough to be all over the sports news, because I intended to make one hell of a scene this morning!

Tanner was more than willing to help us get dressed. For me, it was easier. I really just needed my bra clasped and my jeans buttoned. Chaps? Yeah, that was for later. But J.D.? Oh, he had to get a full assist, because no matter how tough he was trying to be, he still had a whole side of fucked-up ribs.

I was trying to stay out of their way when someone banged at the door to our suite. One look made it clear neither Tanner nor J.D. was going to get that. So, with one sock on, one in my hand, and my hair all over the place, I slipped out of the bedroom and checked the peephole.

My dad stood on the other side. I was reaching for the lock when he started pounding again. "I know you're up, Cody!" he growled at the door.

I hurried, then pulled the door open. "Takes longer to get dressed," I told him, canting my head so he'd come in. "I texted you, Dad."

"Yeah, which is why I'm here." He reached over to push the door closed. "What the fuck is going on?"

I stood a little straighter and lifted my chin. "Someone said the guys are gay. That's a death sentence in the PBR. Both for their careers, and maybe for them!"

"No shit," he agreed.

Which made my mouth fall open. "So did you say anything to anyone?"

"Cody Lane, I ain't talked to no one but y'all. I staggered my ass into my room so stoned I couldn't walk straight. Slept nine full hours, and then you woke me up. So what the fuck are we doing, because I'm on your side, kiddo. Always on your side."

"You," I told him, "are managing J.D. He's refusing the wheelchair."

"Makes sense," my dad said, shocking me even more.

So I tossed my hands in the air. "Really?"

"Pride, Cody," he explained. "Sometimes, it's all a man's got, and around here, walking out of the arena is a real big thing. So yeah, I get it."

Which actually did make sense when he put it that way. "Ok," I relented. "But Daddy? It's my turn to take care of them."

"Prolly," he agreed.

"So I'm going to make this about me, and about how some of these guys are willing to do shit to chase me off - or the ones helping me."

Standing before me, my father began to smile. "You gonna take one for the team? Spill shit that might make you look a little weak? Do what needs to be done for the ones you care about?"

"I mean, yeah, basically."

And he clasped my shoulder - the good one. "This is why I'm proud of ya, kiddo. You sure as shit aren't a man, but you are definitely just as good as any of 'em. And when you need a shoulder to cry on, I got two, ok?"

"I got this."

"Still got two," he assured me. "Because ain't no one so strong they don't need to lean every so often. That means you too."

