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Across the cafe, the chime above the door announced a new arrival. I glanced up to see Ethan sauntering in, his jacket slung casually over one shoulder.

“Hey Ethan, the usual?” Zoe greeted him cheerfully, leaving the booth and heading behind the counter.

“You know it,” he replied with an easy smile. They exchanged a few more words before Zoe glanced my way apologetically.

“I’ll be right back, okay?”

I nodded, waving her away. “Take your time. I’m fine here.”

As she headed to the counter to prepare Ethan’s order, he approached my booth.

“Mind if I join you? Zoe’s going to be a minute.”

“Of course, have a seat.” I gestured to the spot Zoe had vacated.

Ethan slid into the booth with a contented sigh, his large frame barely fitting.

“So, big day at the gallery today?” he asked.

“Oh, Dylan told you? Yeah, it was nerve-wracking but exciting too.” I quickly relayed the experience of submitting my entry.

Ethan listened intently, his sharp eyes warm with interest. We lapsed into a comfortable silence as Zoe arrived with his coffee in a reusable takeout cup. She gave my shoulder a supportive squeeze before returning to the counter.

“Well, I know Dylan’s been telling anyone who’ll listen about your painting,” Ethan said, sipping the steaming drink. “He won’t shut up about how talented you are.”

I felt a blush creep into my cheeks at the mention of Dylan’s praise.

“I guess he’s just being supportive...fiancé,” I said carefully, the word still feeling foreign to my tongue.

Ethan nodded thoughtfully. “Could be. But honestly? Dylan’s different lately. More grounded, mature even.”

He leaned back in the booth, regarding me curiously. “I think you’ve been a real good influence on him.”

I stared down at my coffee, unsure how to respond. Me, a good influence on Dylan? The man who had swooped in to rescue my art career with his crazy fake engagement scheme?

Seeing my hesitation, Ethan continued gently. “Look, I’ve known Dylan a long time. He’s always been noncommittal in relationships.”

I lifted my gaze to meet Ethan’s knowing one.

“But since you two have been together, he seems - happier, more open. Like he’s finally letting his guard down to feel something real.”

Ethan’s words washed over me, equal parts enlightening and confusing. Could Dylan and I have forged something genuineamidst the pretense? Had the act of playing fiancés allowed an authentic bond to form?

“I’ll let you get back to your day,” Ethan said, sipping his coffee before replacing the lid and standing up. “But for what it’s worth, you’ve put a spring in Dylan’s step. And hopefully, he’s done the same for you.”

With a parting smile, he strolled out of the cafe, leaving me to untangle the flood of revelations his brief visit had imparted.

I stared sightlessly out the window, lost in contemplation. If even Dylan’s closest friend sensed something growing between us, then perhaps I hadn’t imagined the tender glances and electrifying touches. The possibility both thrilled and unnerved me.

Where did the performance end and true feelings begin? The lines were blurring more each day. I realized then that I wanted to discover the truth, no matter how messy or complicated. Because a chance at something real with Dylan felt worth the risk.

Chapter 9

I was jolted from my morning haze by an insistent knock at the front door. Still wrapped in my fluffy blue robe, I shuffled over and opened it to find Dylan standing on my doorstep, looking far too cheerful for this early hour.

“Morning Aves!” he grinned, holding up a plate piled high with slightly misshapen pancakes. “I come bearing the fruits of my labor. Well, the pancakes of my labor, I should say.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm as I stepped aside to let him in. “You made me pancakes?”
