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We reached my front door all too soon, and paused, both reluctant to part ways after the magical evening we had shared. Dylan turned to face me, his rugged yet boyish features softened in the dim light of the front porch. Reaching out, he gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear, his calloused yet tender fingers leaving trails of warmth on my skin. I leaned into his touch, my heart fluttering like a caged bird as we shared another tender kiss under the moon’s soft glow.

This kiss differed from the heated, passion-filled one we had exchanged on the beach amidst fireworks. It was gentle, almost reverent, our lips meeting with aching tenderness. Dylan’s hand cradled my cheek with a feather-light caress as the kiss deepened ever so slightly, speaking words our hearts had yet to voice aloud.

We finally broke the kiss, both breathless, our eyes meeting in a silent conversation. Reflected in his gaze, I could see a mirror of my longing, tinged with hesitation and wonder at this newfound closeness between us. I gently placed my hand over his, still cradling my cheek, hoping to convey without words that, despite my fears, I was ready to explore the possibilities that lay ahead for us. Dylan’s lips turned up in a soft, understanding smile and he pressed one last tender kiss to my forehead before dropping his hand slowly from my face, his fingers trailing along my jawline as if memorizing its shape.

I leaned into Dylan’s touch, inhaling the faint scent of smoke and sandalwood that seemed to cling to his skin. His fingers were rough yet gentle as they trailed along my jawline, leaving a tingling path in their wake. Being this close, I noticed the flecks of amber and jade that danced in his sage green eyes, drawing me into their depths. My heart was hammering in my chest, andI was sure he could hear its frantic rhythm in the quiet intimacy of this moment.

I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in his arms, to feel the strength of his embrace and the warmth of his lips claiming mine again. But uncertainty still lingered - where would we go from here? I knew Dylan felt the spark between us, too. His tender yet passionate kisses had said as much. Sensing my hesitation, Dylan gave me a look filled with understanding. Without a word, he pulled me close once more, enveloping me in the solid reassurance of his arms. I sank into his chest, comforted by the steady thrum of his heart next to mine. Maybe words could wait until tomorrow. For now, just being close was enough.

“Goodnight, Avery,” he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. “Sweet dreams.”

With a final, lingering gaze, he gently squeezed my hand and made his way next door to his house. I watched until he disappeared inside, the living room light flickering on a few moments later.

Turning back to my front door, I reached out to the worn wood, steadying myself. The day had been a whirlwind, my emotions rising and falling like waves on the sea. But now, I felt anchored. Dylan’s affection had sparked something within me - not just romantic excitement, but a sense of belonging.

As I stepped inside and locked the door, his whispered words echoed in my mind... “Goodnight, Avery.” The promise of tomorrow hung in those words, filled with hope. I knew sleep would elude me tonight, my thoughts adrift on waves of newfound affection. But eventually, lulled by remembrances of Dylan’s touch, I surrendered to slumber. And my dreams were indeed sweet.

Chapter 14

I push back the blankets and stretch my arms above my head, trying to shake the last remnants of sleep from my foggy mind. The morning sun peeks through the gap in my curtains, casting a warm glow across my bedroom.

I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips as memories of last night come flooding back. Dylan’s kisses under the fireworks, his fingers interlaced with mine as we walked home, the lingering kiss at my front door. Each moment replays in my mind like my own personal highlight reel, still able to elicit that same flutter in my stomach now, here in the light of day.

But with the memories comes that creeping undercurrent of doubt. Last night felt like something out of a movie, everything heightened by the romance of the fireworks and festival atmosphere. Can something that feels so cinematic in the heat of the moment translate to real life in the sober light of morning? I know Dylan and I have come a long way since our sham engagement started, but there’s still so much uncharted territory between us.

I sigh, sitting up in bed and running my fingers through my tangled hair. My feelings for Dylan have grown to be so complicated, tangled up in the pretense we created. I care about him, that much I know. But am I really ready to let him in completely? To make myself vulnerable to real heartbreak if this ends up being just a midsummer dream?

I shake my head, trying to clear away the swirl of thoughts. I can’t let myself get bogged down in doubts and what-ifs this early. Today is a new day, blank and full of possibility. I need coffee, I decide, pulling myself from the bed. I grab my phone and pad softly to the kitchen, thoughts of Dylan never far from my mind. Whatever this is between us, I guess only time will tell if it can move from fantasy to reality. But the memories of last night, the echoes of his touch, give me hope that this could be the beginning of something real. Something lasting.


My coffee sits untouched on the table, growing colder by the minute as I stare down at the phone in my hands. My thumbs tap out another message, reading it over for what feels like the hundredth time before hitting backspace in frustration.

“We should talk.”Delete.

“About last night...”Delete.

I groan, dropping my head into my hands. Why is this so hard? It’s just Dylan. We’ve hung out and talked dozens of times before. But this feels different. More weighted. Everything changed last night at the festival, boundaries crossed that can’t be uncrossed.

I lift my head, gazing out the window to Dylan’s house next door. His truck is still in the driveway, which means he’s likely up by now, too. I wonder if he’s also sitting at his kitchen tableover cold coffee, thumbs hovering over his phone, trying to figure out what to say.

Before I can talk myself out of it again, I quickly type out a new message:

“Morning! Last night got me thinking we should talk more. Can I come over?”

My heart pounds as I hit send, immediately second-guessing my casual tone. But it’s too late now. The text swooshes off into the universe, no turning back. I watch those menacing three dots pop up right away. They disappear and reappear a few times before his reply finally comes through.

“Morning :) Sure, come on over whenever.”

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. We’re doing this. No more hiding behind our pretend engagement or summer night euphoria. We’re going to talk this through, lay all our cards on the table. The thought thrills and terrifies me. But it’s time. I need to know if this could be something real between us. I grab my coffee mug, dump the cold contents in the sink, and head into my bedroom to change before I lose my nerve.


I stood in front of my closet, staring blankly at the rows of shirts and dresses. Nothing seemed right. I picked up a floral sundress, considered it for a moment, then tossed it aside with a huff. Too formal. Next, I grabbed a tattered old band t-shirt. Too casual. The minutes ticked by as I agonized over each garment, my anxiety rising. I was being ridiculous; I knew. It was just Dylan. Sweet, handsome, makes-my-insides-melt Dylan. But after last night, everything felt different. Charged. I wanted to look nice for him, pretty even. But not like I was trying too hard. Ugh, why was this so difficult?

I finally settled on a casual blue blouse and my favorite jeans. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and applied a touch of lip gloss and mascara. A spritz of perfume for good measure. There. Presentable but not overdone. I slipped on sandals, took a deep breath, and headed next door before I could lose my nerve.

Dylan answered after just one knock, flashing me that heart-stopping crooked smile. Before I could react, he swept me up into a massive bear hug, lifting me right off my feet. I melted against him, breathing in his woodsy scent. So much for taking things slowly.
