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“I missed you,” he murmured into my hair. I melted against him, wondering how I’d ever questioned my feelings for this incredible man. We stayed like that for a blissful moment, then he pulled back. “Something smells amazing,” he said, peering towards the kitchen.

I took his hand, leading him inside. His eyes lit up at the sight of the table, now bathed in the glow of flickering candles. I poured us both a glass of wine and raised my own in a toast. “To new beginnings,” I said softly. Our glasses clinked together, and I knew this was just the start of an amazing adventure with Dylan.

We settled in at the little table, the golden light of sunset streaming through the window. I watched Dylan take the first bite, anticipation coiled inside me. “This is incredible,” he saidafter swallowing, already going in for more. I beamed, thrilled that he was enjoying the food.

We fell into an easy conversation, and I told Dylan about my encounter with Ethan at the store earlier. He chuckled, “That guy is always trying to look out for me.” I could tell their friendship ran deep, which warmed my heart. Dylan’s eyes were tender as he spoke about Ethan.

The sunlight faded outside, enveloping the kitchen in a romantic glow. I gazed at Dylan over the flickering candles, thinking how I’d never tire of looking at that handsome face. He reached across the table to take my hand, running his thumb gently over my skin.

“Thank you for this amazing dinner and being in my life,” he said softly. “Everything has changed, in the best possible way.” I squeezed his hand, emotion welling up in my chest. I told him meeting him was one of the best things ever happening to me.

We stayed like that for a moment, hands intertwined, his eyes full of warmth. After we finished eating, I put on some music and we slow danced there in the candlelight. With his strong arms around me, I’d never felt more at home. I wished this perfect night would never end.

Eventually, we moved to the living room couch, settling in to watch a movie. I curled into Dylan’s side, fitting against him like two puzzle pieces. His steady heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest were soothing. Halfway through the movie, I realized he’d drifted off to sleep.

I took a moment just to look at him, his face so peaceful. Reaching over, I gently brushed a lock of wavy brown hair off his forehead. The past few days had clearly taken a toll, but he looked so content now.

Careful not to wake him, I slipped a pillow under his head and draped a blanket over him before heading to my bedroom.

I got ready for bed with a smile on my face, replaying the evening’s perfection. Tonight had exceeded all my hopes. The connection between us was real and undeniable. As I let sleep take me, I thought about how lucky I was to have Dylan in my life.

Chapter 15

I stood back and admired my latest painting, a seascape I had titled ‘Awakening.’ The shades of blue and green swirled together, evoking the energy and serenity of the ocean. This piece represented a breakthrough for me artistically, newfound freedom in my creative expression.

As I set my palette down, I heard a knock at the studio door. I opened it to find Dylan standing there, his brown hair tousled by the sea breeze.

“Hey Avery, got time for a quick strategy session?” he asked with an easy smile.

I waved him inside. “Sure, what’s going on?”

Dylan wandered over to inspect my new painting. “This is really incredible,” he murmured. “The colors and textures - I can practically hear the waves crashing.”

I flushed with pride. “Thanks. I feel like I’m finally finding my stride with seascapes.”

Dylan turned to face me, his green eyes earnest. “So I thought we should start figuring out how to break the news about our relationship with our friends. And especially your parents.”

I tensed reflexively. Dylan gently grasped my hand. “It’ll be okay. We’ll just explain everything. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

His reassurance eased my anxiety. “You’re right. It’s time we unveil the reality.” I took a deep breath. “Any ideas on where to start?”

Dylan leaned against my worktable, arms crossed casually. “Well, your friend Zoe already knows most of the story. Maybe we tell my buddy Ethan next, then your parents?”

I considered it. Ethan was one of Dylan’s closest friends. Starting there made sense.

“Okay,” I agreed. “But we should figure out what we’ll say to my parents, too. I know they’ll have...questions.” That was an understatement.

Dylan nodded, glancing around my studio. His eyes settled on a blank canvas propped nearby. “What if we told everyone simultaneously? Right here, in your studio?” he suggested.

I nodded thoughtfully. A cozy soiree at my studio could be a brilliant idea - it would allow me to share my creative space while also gently unveiling the truth.

“I love it,” I said, my mind already racing with preparations.

Dylan’s eyes lit up. “We’ll tell people it’s a little art showcase for you. Show off your latest pieces, really highlight your talent.”

I smiled, touched by his enthusiasm for my art. An idea struck me. “Oh! What if we invited Marco too? I’d love for my parents to meet him. As an established art critic, his endorsement would validate me as a serious artist in their eyes.”

“That’s perfect!” Dylan agreed. Marco’s presence would lend the event an air of prestige.
