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Okay, this called for reinforcements. I scrambled out of the studio and grabbed my phone to dial Dylan’s number, keeping one eye cautiously on the raccoon.

“Dylan! I have a bit of a situation over here with a furry intruder in my studio,” I explained hurriedly when he picked up. “Any chance you can come lend a hand to help evict a raccoon?”

“I’ll be right there!” Dylan replied. I could hear the amusement in his voice.

True to his word, I heard a knock at the front door just a few minutes later. I opened it to find Dylan, clad in his usual jeans and a faded t-shirt, his hair endearingly rumpled. His green eyes twinkled with humor as he pulled on a pair of thick gloves.

“So where’s this furry little art critic you need help with?” he asked with a grin.

I led him to the studio, where we both peered around the corner. The raccoon was still perched on the shelf, now busily examining a few paintbrushes it had gathered, intrigued by the bright bristles.

Dylan pressed his lips together, stifling a laugh at the sight. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” he assured me confidently.

I watched in amusement as Dylan cautiously crept towards the raccoon, gloves at the ready. He was focused, poised to grab the furry intruder. Just as he lunged forward, the nimble creature leaped out of reach, scampering across the shelf and knockingover more supplies. Dylan scrambled after it, nearly tripping over a bucket of brushes.

“Gotcha!” he declared as his gloved hands closed around the raccoon. I couldn’t contain my laughter as the raccoon squirmed and wriggled, refusing to be contained in Dylan’s grasp. Just when it seemed he finally had a handle on the slippery critter, it found a way to slide out of his gloved hands.

“This little guy is not making things easy!” Dylan huffed as the raccoon scurried onto his shoulder. He twisted around, trying to grab it, but only knocked over more art supplies.

“Hold still, I’ve got an idea!” I said, grabbing a large drop cloth.

As Dylan turned towards me, I flung the cloth over him and the raccoon. “Hey!” he protested from under the fabric. Gently, I wrapped the bundle up with Dylan still inside. He looked like a hulking blue burrito. A few muffled curses came from the depths as the raccoon continued its relentless squirming.

“Okay, I’m bringing this outside, but I need you to keep hold of that rascal!” I instructed. Dylan gave a thumbs up from inside the cloth cocoon.

Slowly, I shuffled the Dylan burrito towards the back door, stifling giggles at this ridiculous solution. We must have looked utterly absurd.

Finally, we made it out to the backyard. “On three, I’ll pull the cloth off, and you make a run for those bushes,” I said. Dylan gave a muffled confirmation.

“One...two...three!” I whipped the drop cloth away, revealing a disheveled Dylan still clinging valiantly to a very peeved raccoon. He bolted for the bushes and released the critter, who scampered away with an indignant chatter.

I couldn’t help the laughter that now burst out of me. Dylan looked down at his ripped shirt and messy hair with a wry smile.

“Well, that was an adventure,” he chuckled. “Remind me to call pest control for a more conventional solution next time. Idon’t know how much more abuse this old firefighter’s body can take chasing a rogue raccoon.”

Despite the mess left behind, I admired the little furball’s tenacity. And watching Dylan’s valiant comedic battle with it was even better. As we cleaned up the chaos, we joked and laughed together. Just another morning bringing us even closer.

“My hero,” I joked, kissing his cheek. “Thank you for the prompt raccoon rescue service. I knew I could count on you.”

He grinned. “Just doing my duty, ma’am. All in a day’s work for us firefighters.”


I sighed as I surveyed the chaotic aftermath of the raccoon’s rampage through my art studio. Canvases were scattered across the floor, paint tubes squeezed open and oozing color. The once-serene space was now a tangled mess of art supplies and half-finished paintings.

I felt a knot in my stomach as I took in the disorder, but then I heard Dylan’s footsteps behind me. He let out a low whistle as he stepped up next to me.

“Well, that critter really did a number on this place, didn’t he?” Dylan said, giving me a sympathetic smile.

I nodded, shaking my head in disbelief. “I don’t even know where to start. This is going to take forever to clean up.”

“Hey now, we’ve got this,” Dylan said reassuringly. He gently squeezed my shoulder. “Why don’t I help you get things back in order?”

We moved slowly through the studio, carefully gathering up tubes of paint and returning brushes to jars. Dylan handed me canvases one by one, and I repositioned them against the walls where they belonged. We worked steadily, orbiting around each other in a calm, coordinated rhythm.

I accidentally bumped into Dylan, and he caught me gently by the waist to steady us both. We paused there momentarily, standing close, his hand resting lightly on my hip. I felt a flutter in my chest as we exchanged a lingering glance.

We eventually got all the art supplies off the floor and the canvases back in their rightful spots. The studio already looked neater and more orderly.
