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“Hmm, not sure a raccoon is the vibe I’m going for here,” I replied, leaning back into Dylan’s sturdy frame. “But I’ll take your suggestion under careful consideration.”

“I’m telling you, that raccoon would really add something,” Dylan continued, delighted at getting me a reaction. “A touch of drama, some comic relief...”

I swatted his arm playfully. “You just want yourself immortalized in my art, don’t you?”

Dylan grinned. “Maybe I just want the world to remember our little raccoon friend.”

I had to admit; it was nice to take a moment of levity while working on such an important piece. And Dylan knew just how to make me smile, even when stress and self-doubt crept in.

Turning in his arms to face him, I quickly kissed him. “Thanks for the critiques, oh wise art advisor. I’ll be sure to consider your creative vision.”

Dylan’s eyes crinkled with satisfaction, clearly pleased at having distracted me from my work momentarily. I appreciated these little moments as exasperating as his playful suggestions could be. The love and support behind each interruption shone through.

“Well, I’ll leave you be so the masterpiece can come to life,” Dylan said. “Just holler if you need any more artistic expertise.”

I swatted him with my paintbrush as he dodged away, chuckling. Despite a deadline looming, Dylan reminded me to take joy in the process. With renewed lightness, I turned back to my canvas, letting the image take shape stroke by stroke.


The following morning, and with great fanfare from Dylan and Ethan, I was in the middle of my new art studio, gazing up at the tall windows that now lined the far wall. The morning light streamed in unimpeded, flooding the space with a warm, ethereal glow. I was momentarily stunned into silence, taking in the magnificent transformation.

The soaring windows, Dylan, and Ethan’s handiwork, made the studio feel open and airy, as if the outdoors had been invited inside. The golden rays caught the canvas edges of my seasidepaintings, igniting the blues and greens with an otherworldly shimmer. I turned slowly, allowing the illumination to wash over me. Everything it touched seemed to come alive.

“Wow,” I finally uttered, still struggling to find words befitting the vision before me. Dylan and Ethan stood back, appraising their work with satisfied smiles.

“Not bad, right Ave?” Dylan said, clearly pleased with my reaction. I laughed, my gaze returning to the windows.

“Not bad? This is...this is everything I imagined and more!” My voice rang with awe. I ran my hand along the smooth wood frame, feeling the warmth of the streaming light.

Ethan nodded, glancing around the studio. “Those windows really let the space breathe. And the way they show off the paintings...that’s something special.”

I smiled, once again taking in my canvases under this new glow. The landscapes appeared infused with the vitality of the sea and sky. “You guys might have missed your calling as window installers,” I joked.

Dylan chuckled. “Well, I don’t know if I’m ready to trade in my firefighter helmet just yet. But I’m glad we could help bring your vision to life.” His green eyes met mine, full of sincerity. I tried to squeeze both well-built men into my arms with gratitude, and partially succeeded before releasing them with a giggle.

My gaze swept over the studio that had been transformed from a cluttered garage into a light-filled sanctuary. A space where my passion flowed freely onto canvas. This gift from Dylan and Ethan represented far more than new windows. It symbolized possibility - of my art, and of a life filled with love and acceptance. Basking in the warm radiance, I sensed that my future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now brimmed with promise.


I paused, brush in hand, as I contemplated the small velvet box tucked away in my pocket. My heart fluttered as I thought about the vintage gold band nestled inside, so simple yet brimming with meaning.

Just yesterday, I had slipped away to Linda’s antique shop, drawn by a longing I could no longer deny. There, amongst the eclectic treasures, I found it - the perfect ring for my beloved Dylan. Linda had smiled knowingly as I made the purchase, wishing me luck with a playful wink.

Now, I caressed the outline of the little box through the fabric, picturing the way the gold would glow against Dylan’s sun-kissed skin. A surge of giddiness rose in me at the thought of asking him to be mine forever.

Yet, the perfectionist in me hesitated. I wanted the moment to be just right - a masterpiece proposal framed by Pebble Point’s rugged beauty. I imagined dropping to one knee amidst a dazzling sunset, the amber light streaming through our windows as I professed my love.

No, this wasn’t the time. I gently returned the box to my pocket with a smile. I’d wait for that flawless instant when everything aligned. After all, I was an artist - I had an eye for beauty and romance. And Dylan was worth waiting for.

With a contented sigh, I returned to the blank canvas before me. There was still so much life to capture there. For now, I’d pour my longing into brushstrokes, finding patience.

Our moment would come. And when it did, it would be nothing short of magic.
