Page 13 of Colton

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“Then don’t,” he finally says.

“Don’t what?” I’m confused.

“Don’t leave. Don’t go back. Stay here, with me.” The look on his face shatters my heart.

“But how can I? We barely know each other. I mean sure, it seems to have worked out for my sister and yours, but is it possible that this could be real for us, too? Or are we just romanticizing the idea of us?” I shake my head before resting it on his chest.

He squeezes me tighter. “Marley, I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

Tears starts to slide down my cheeks as I look up at him. I shake my head, and his face falls. “I’m sorry, Colton. I want this to be real so much it hurts. But I can’t believe it. I can’t let myself believe it. I, I have to go.”

He stands and nods, looking away. We ride back to my sister’s place in silence, my eyes on the mountains in the distance. I glance over at him to see his jaw clenched, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

What if I’m making a mistake? What if this is the real thing?

But it can’t be. And I can’t risk my job, my life back home for the chance at something that’s so new, so untried. I have to protect myself, I have to play it safe, just like I always do.

Back at Maddie’s, Colton stops at the door with me. He sighs, then kisses me on the forehead. I love when he does that. “Marley, I’ve never been so sure about something in my whole life. If you don’t feel the same, I understand. But I have to say this.” He swallows hard, then holds my face in his hands.

“I’ve fallen in love with you. I love your kind spirit, you are beautiful inside and out. I’m grateful to have known what love feels like, even if it’s for just a few moments. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” With that, he kisses me one last time and walks back to his truck. I stand there frozen as he drives away, watching his truck until I can’t see it anymore.

Maddie opens the door just as I'm turning around. “What happened?”

I tell her everything as we sit at the kitchen table and sip on hot cups of coffee. After I’m done, I look to my sister for support.

She shakes her head. “I’m so sorry, Marley.”

“I know, I-”

“I’m so sorry that you are an idiot.”

Wait. What? “What?”

She points her finger at me. “You heard me. You’re an idiot for letting that man get away. Don’t you feel it in the pit of your stomach? I could see it from the start, I knew things would work out for you two. Who cares that you just met? Look at me and Nash for crying out loud!”

“I know I just, I can’t.”

My sister shakes her head again and sighs. ‘I know, Marley, I know. You’ve always been the cautious one. I’m sorry I ever made him take you on a date. I should have known. I’m sorry for you, babe. Truly.”

I fall asleep later that night with a pit in my stomach. I know I've made the safe choice, but why does it feel so wrong?


The next morning, Maddie drops me off at the airport with a hug and a promise to come visit me soon. I take a deep breath of the cool and clean Montana air, and step into the airport.

I sit down at my gate and check my voicemail. There’s one from my principal. I press play, and listen to his grating voice go on and on about something trivial. Then I look up and see a little boy about the same age as Jackson.

It hits me.

I call Maddie immediately.


“Maddie! I was wrong!”

“About what?” She sounds so calm.

“About Colton, of course. About everything. Can you turn around and come back and get me? I don’t want to leave!”
