Page 10 of Buck Me NOW, Cowboy

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So when are you coming back to get your stuff? And did you get a chance to pick out a real estate agent from the list I sent you? You know I'm more than happy to help you sell your place any way I can.

Grandma Anne:

Well Livie, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.



Grandma Anne:

I was thinking. It’s such a pain to sell a house. And to move furniture. So if you don’t mind doing me a favor, I’d appreciate it if you’d just take it.


Excuse me?

Grandma Anne:

Honey this is text, I don’t have to ask if you heard me. Did you fall and hit your head? I want you to take it. What part of that do you not understand?


I don’t know what to say.

Grandma Anne:

Well most people would say thank you Grandma Anne, but hey, you do you.


Thank you Grandma Anne!

Grandma Anne:

That’s better. And it’s all settled. Your parents and aunt and uncle agreed everything was going to you anyway, so why bother waiting? The house is in a trust so I made you the sole beneficiary. It’s already done, you just need to sign some papers at my attorney’s office next week.


OMG I can’t believe it. You’re the best grandma ever!

Grandma Anne:

Tell me something I don’t know, Livie



Grandma Anne:

Gotta go, it’s our turn for pickleball. Love you sweet girl.


Love you too, Grandma Anne!

I’m grinning from ear to ear as I put my phone down and check on my brownies. Elise let me come up with a few new items to offer at the bakery, and my cheesecake brownies have been a huge hit. I’m just taking a third batch out of the oven when I hear Archer’s voice bellow over the entire crowded bakery. I rush out front, scared something is wrong.
