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"Just trust me, beautiful," he says with a grin and a wink. I let out a sigh but can't resist a small smile as I take his hand and allow him to lead me into the building.

We head toward the elevator and step inside. As the doors shut, he leans in and kisses my forehead softly, whispering, "Where have you been all my life?" My heart skips a beat as I smile up at him. In that moment I feel close to him and something inside me lights up that I haven't felt for a long time.

As the elevator doors slide open, he guides me along the hallway and out onto the rooftop. The sight that greets me is a beautiful candlelit dinner that leaves me breathless.

The table set for two is surrounded by dozens of flickering candles casting a warm soft glow with red roses everywhere and their petals scattered around mixing their fragrance with the night air. A musician at the far end plays the violin enhancing the enchantment of the stunning setup with each note. Without a word I spin around reach up and pull him into a kiss whispering between breaths "I love this so much."

"That's the reaction I was hoping for."

He leads me to our table and pulls out my chair. I sit down taking in the beauty of it all. He then goes around to his side and pours us each a glass of champagne before taking a seat.

"Tonight is all about us," he says, lifting his glass for a toast.

I smile and click my glass against his. We don't break eye contact as we sip in unison. The meal is already waiting for us, covered by shiny metal lids to keep it warm. We lift them andbeneath it is perfectly cooked chicken, alongside jasmine rice and steamy vegetables.

"This looks amazing," I say, my mouth watering at the sight.

Weston nods in agreement. "Yeah, I thought you'd like it. Can't go wrong with chicken."

I laugh. "You're right."

Weston lifts his glass towards me. "Quinn, I want to get to know you better."

I nervously sip my wine; opening up isn't something I do easily. "What do you want to know?" I ask cautiously.

"Everything," he states.

I study him for a moment, wondering how someone so seemingly perfect just appeared in my life. Am I even worthy of this? The thought of getting close only to leave in a few months is terrifying.

"You say you want everything, but where does that leave me when I go back home in a few months? Where does that leave you?"

His eyes close for a moment as if the thought of me leaving is painful. "Listen, I want to make the most of now, with you. I'm interested in what you think, and what you feel, not just your body. I want to be part of your mind. And if that leaves me shattered when you go, I'll accept it." His gaze is intense as he takes another sip of his wine. "Now, start with your family," he commands, not as a question but as an expectation.

"I'm an only child," I start, taking a deep breath. "I've always been close with my mom, just us two for the longest time since my real dad was never around. But things changed when I was thirteen; my mom married a wealthy man named Scott. I never had to watch her struggle to make ends meet again. He couldn't have children so of course he spoiled me more than he should but I never forgot that I came from humble beginnings. He's likea real father to me, even paid for me to go to college. I'm thankful for my parents."

Weston nods. "He sounds like a decent guy."

I agree, "Yeah, he is. I'd like you to meet him someday." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I'm surprised.Where the hell did that come from?

His grin widens. "I'd be honored."

I quickly shift the topic. "What about your family?"

He looks reflective for a moment. "I come from humble beginnings too. My parents are still together, and I've got a younger brother, Caleb who's always stirring up trouble."

I let out a laugh, "Sometimes I wish I had a sibling."

"Trust me, you don't," he says with a chuckle. "I'm joking. I honestly don't know what I'd do without my brother. He's my best friend."

I smile as I get lost in his eyes. I feel safe with him, like there's no reason to keep my guard up any longer.

He stands and moves to my side of the table, offering his hand. "Dance with me?"

Without a second thought, I take his hand. Together, we walk toward the edge of the rooftop, closer to where the violin is playing.

He holds me close, and we sway in harmony. Suddenly, he tilts my chin up to meet his blue gaze. He leans in and kisses me, his mouth claiming every inch of mine. The moment I feel my body come alive, I pull back from the kiss and catch my breath. "Take me home."

He looks at me, trying to read my eyes. "You ready for me?" he asks.
